Ghislain Girardot Profile picture
Indie Game Developer and Unreal Engine Content Creator. Worked on Spyro: Reignited Trilogy and Shardbound.
Jan 14, 2023 14 tweets 6 min read
#UnrealEngine #UE4 #UE5 #UETips
Here's one WPO trick I used to create this night sky.

The challenge was to create subtle per-star lens flares that would always face the camera and remain straight, exactly like billboards. 🧵⬇️ To create star billboards, each star would need to rotate around their own pivot point to face the camera but pivots are all lost once exported to a single mesh... :(
Jan 12, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Heya! I'm back😇Was good to take a break from work and socials a bit, but it's time to get back to work!

I guess I'll start 2023 showcasing how to efficiently create a sharp-looking night sky using a single 512x512 16bits texture and 3 cheap materials. Vista mesh has ~5k tris. - Sharp stars.
- No visible tiling.
- Artistic control.
- Flickering effect.
- Custom lens-flare effect on hero stars.
- Nebula. ImageImageImage
Dec 10, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
#UnrealEngine #UETips #UE5
You can use a Procedural Mesh Component or Geometry Scripting to iteratively slice a given mesh, render the generated cap and composite the result into an atlas texture to generate a distance field/volume texture ⬇️ I was lazy and used the good old procedural mesh component because it's what I know and it's easy. Do a loop and slice a mesh a little bit further each time (based on the object's bounding box and amount of slices to generate). Capture the cap using a scene capture component... Image
Oct 20, 2022 24 tweets 8 min read
#UnrealEngine #UE4 #UE5
Cute simplistic trees are available as a Tier 2 reward on my Patreon :) Have a look at the thread below to see how they were made ⬇️ 0/22 First of all, some technical stats: Each tree is ~3K tris for LOD0. 2 draw calls per tree (one material for the leaves, one for the trunk). 2*1K textures (one normal map, one mask). ~160 pixels instructions for the foliage material.
Oct 10, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
#UnrealEngine #UE4 #UE5
Dunno why I love to prototype random stuff in BP so much. It's 5am, what am I doing🤪I guess this could be used to generate random positions with random radius and no overlaps. Blueprint graphs below ⬇️ Tick event to see the simulation progressing. Clear & Generate Circles are two functions callable in-editor. Image
Sep 7, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
#UnrealEngine #UE4 #UE5 #UnrealTips
1/7 Translucency see-through trick that might be useful... sort-of? This is usually done with custom stencil/depth (which has its benefits) but using a translucency material allows you to cheat a bit...⬇️ 2/7 First we'll make a translucent material that has Depth Test disabled. Then we're going to sample the SceneDepth and recompute the world position of anything that was occluding our view... Image