Migratory birds as down2Earth observers/sentinels. Imprint of https://t.co/mZjvZNY1Or, centre for global ecological change @univgroningen, @NIOZnews, @IBED_UvA, et al.
1/21 #ISTC20#Sesh9
Hi shorebird folks! 1more4U2go! Migratory shorebirds connect. Movements, presence & phenotypes signal the state of habitats. Let's develop tracked individual migratory birds as sentinels (of connected parts) of Earth. #ornithology#globalchange@WaderStudy
2/21 #ISTC20#Sesh9
Recently, 100 units of fossil energy produced 104 energy units of food, thanks soil-based processes. Now, 100 units fossil energy yield 16 food units, the 84% loss equals release of CO2 & active nitrogen threatening climate & biodiversity. #globalchange#dairy