The Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction Profile picture
Maps #tobaccoharmreduction and its #publichealth potential. A Knowledge Action Change project, with the Tobacco Harm Reduction Scholarship Programme.
Jul 27, 2021 10 tweets 12 min read
The @GlobalStateTHR's response to the @WHO's 8th 'annual report on the #tobacco epidemic' calls out its attempt to distract from years of failure to reduce #smoking with a misguided war on #safernicotine products that are helping smokers quit. 1/… @WHO The WHO's release celebrates progress of its MPOWER strategy. Yet 1.1 billion people continue to #smoke worldwide and 8 million lives are lost annually to #smoking-related disease, figures that have remained static for two decades. This is not success.
Apr 27, 2021 5 tweets 6 min read
On behalf of KAC, the #GSTHR's @GerryStimson gave evidence to the UK @AppgVaping's inquiry into the #FCTC in Feb - see yday's Daily Express featuring @MarkPawsey MP:…

A summary of Prof. Stimson's points can be found here and ⬇️:… Professor Stimson:
"The UK is a world leader in #tobaccoharmreduction – expertise, governmental and institutional support, the data, and evidence that access to safer #nicotine products speeds up the switch away from #smoking."…