Facts & Quotes by Justice Gautam Shirish Patel. Profile picture
Page features quotes by Justice Gautam Patel of Bombay High Court. Many quotes are from before his appointment as Judge. Account created by his Well Wisher.
Sep 6, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
A thread on the views of Justice Gautam Patel regarding Allahabad High Court's #Ayodhya verdict on #BabriMasjid demolition and construction of #RamMandir:

"The findings and orders of the special full bench of the Allahabad High Court on the successful Bhagwan Sri Ram suit...... ...and the dismissed Wakf Board suit demand close examination. Central to the final order are two findings - that the disputed site in Ayodhya is the birthplace of Ram, and that it is a juridical entity. Both conclusions are of extremely doubtful legal tenability. In addition...
Sep 6, 2019 5 tweets 3 min read
Twitter Thread on Justice Gautam Patel's quotes which appeared in @TeestaSetalvad's magazine Communalism Combat in Feb-March 2012, regarding 2002 riots in Gujarat under @narendramodi: "Based as we are in Bombay, at this distance from what transpired in Gujarat, in the initial.... @TeestaSetalvad @narendramodi ..days following the riots in 2002, we were at sea about what we could do and how we could contribute towards seeking justice for the victims of the events. @TeestaSetalvad and others called a series of meetings at that point to explain clearly what the on-ground reality of......
Sep 5, 2019 6 tweets 3 min read
Thread on Quotes by Justice Gautam Shirish Patel on Karnataka Prevention of Slaughter and Preservation of Cattle Bill:

“Beef is food to many; not coincidentally, Dalits and Muslim.” “That the Karnataka bill was always aimed at non-Hindus became clear when the Home Minister proclaimed that the bill was “in tune with the sentiments of the majority community”, and followed the BJP's (@BJP4India) election manifesto.”