Hardeep Singh MD Profile picture
Professor @bcmhouston. Research on improving health care, patient safety, health IT & reducing misdiagnosis. PECASE Presidential Awardee '14. Tweets my own.
Aug 14, 2021 6 tweets 4 min read
Fantastic day for patient safety and EHR policy with a landmark new development that impacts most US hospitals.

Thread on how and why one research product made its way into national policy changes 1/6
healthit.gov/topic/safety/s… Years ago, we worked with @ONC_HealthIT to develop SAFER Guides – checklist-based self-assessment tools to improve safety of how EHRs are used.

Our goal: Implementation of EHR safety practices

Check out why/how to use them in @tjcjqps paper

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P… 2/6
Jun 2, 2020 12 tweets 5 min read
One barrier for EHRs to improve patient safety is inability to implement &/or translate useful solutions between settings

For better research & reporting of solutions, we propose a new ‘SAFER Reporting Framework’ w/ @deansittig @AnnalsofIM

Thread 1/

acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M1… Success of an EHR intervention at your site depends on ‘who, what, where, why, when, and how’ related to implementation

But research reports often do not answer these questions so its hard to know if the solution is useful to me 2/
May 19, 2020 15 tweets 6 min read
US need not rely on hospitals emailing #COVID19 data or internet connected thermometers to get timely, accurate, and reliable data about the nation’s health

We need a new National Information Spine

Thread on our @JAMA_current paper w/ @deansittig 1/

jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/… A national health IT spine would be a virtual backbone to provide critical up-to-date patient health information to make sound decisions in times like the COVID pandemic and other public health emergencies 2/
May 18, 2020 15 tweets 6 min read
8 types of misdiagnosis that can harm patients in COVID-19 era, some from known clinical reasoning fallacies & others unique to pandemic
New paper @JHospMedicine w/ @TGandhi_Safety – inspires my 1st Tweetorial 1/ journalofhospitalmedicine.com/jhospmed/artic… Why increased risk of misdiagnosis? Knowledge of clinical presentations still evolving, physical & psychological safety of clinicians & health system capacity is compromised 2/