Mazen Hassoun Profile picture
Syrian, Journalist, Political Science. Analysis on Syria and the Middle East. Wrote stuff for @aljumhuriya_net, @newhumanitarian & others.
Oct 28, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
Such a heartbreaking and painful photo. Syrian refugee Asmaa Al-Natour bids farewell to her Danish neighbor after the Danish authorities forced her to leave her home and sent her to deportation camps. Asmaa is not the first Syrian Refugee who is threatened of deportation from Denmark. Danish authorities have been trying to put Syrian refugees under pressure to make them to "voluntarily" leave the country. Read more stories about Syrians in #Demark
Apr 6, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
I find this new study from @jusoorstudies as detailed as terrifying. Syria's death toll has crossed one million. Almost half the population is dead, imprisoned or displaced. Massive demographic changes.… Syria's overall population as assumed in 2021 is 24m. Only 16m are still in Syria, divieded in around 9m in Regime-held areas, 4m in opposition-held areas and 3m in SDF-held areas. 8,8m are living in diaspora and refugee camps. 1 million have been either killed or disappeared.
Apr 5, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Tragic story from Denmark. Syrian refugee Akram Bathiesh dies of a heart attack after receiving the decision of the Danish authorities to withdraw his residence permit and asylum status and give him a month to leave Denmark to Syria. Denmark claims areas like Damascus or regime-held territories in Syria are safe and therefore Syrians in Denmark who come from these areas have to go back. Syrians have been reporting for months about similar decisions from Danish authorities.
Jun 8, 2019 11 tweets 4 min read
A thread about Abdel Baset Sarout 1992 - 2019:

Sarout was the former goalkeeper of Syria's football team before the Syrian revolution started. He was one of the first who join the uprising in Homs, asking for Freedom and dignity. Sarout became so famous among the rebels by leading most of the demonstrations in his hometown Homs. He composed and sang many songs against the regime and criticise it and its leader Bashar Assad.
Full video:
Mar 4, 2018 38 tweets 16 min read
THREAD: The full story of Syria's #Raqqa 'The Capital of Liberation' from the uprising until the devastation: 1-History:
Raqqa is the Syrian city, situated northern eastern Syria. 1970s the Euphrates dam was built and turned the poor small town of Raqqa into a city.