How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App Nigeria is collapsing. Haruna is a cobbler in Lagos, gets a call from his old father that some people have come from Onitsha & they are taking land on lease for agriculture. Haruna is the only son, his father is too old & doesnt know how to haggle with the strangers. Haruna giving silicon valley a run for their money. The state of Maharashtra is richer than all of Nigeria. June 3-4 1989 we heard of the Tiananmen Square massacre in China that left several hundred to thousands dead. Over 10,000 people were arrested because of a broken by the highest ranking. They are all appointed by the @NGRPresident following @NGRSenate confirmation. Service chiefs do not have total operational command either individually or collectively, as the chain of command runs all the way from President down to sleep with their eyes closed as they have made enemies all around them so they need super attack capabilities & solid defence systems. Saudi Arabia has to police the gulf or else insurgency will come right into their country & crash their multi billion dollar empire.