Herman Mashaba Profile picture
President of @Action4SA. Former Mayor of Johannesburg. Hammanskraal-born Entrepreneur and Black Like Me Founder. Family man. Proudly South African 🇿🇦
Aug 10, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Let us be honest, South Africa remains a patriarchal society where women are often treated as second-class citizens!

We must overcome gender inequality in the workplace, the scourge of GBV & femicide.

We must work to #PutSouthAfricanWomenFirst!

m.thepeoplesdialogue.org.za/News/Article/50 I want to share some of the ideas that came out of today's discussion:

1. Teaching children from a young age to challenge traditional gender roles & RESPECT one another

Challenging gender inequality must begin at a young age if we are to raise a society based on mutual respect!
May 6, 2020 9 tweets 4 min read
Mr President @CyrilRamaphosa, we cannot have the direction of our country being set by a geriatric cabinet who, learnt their economics from the Soviet Union.

Now is the time to do what is right for 🇿🇦 SOUTH AFRICA. To hell with the ANC political consequences. @CyrilRamaphosa 1. Ease lockdown regulations on businesses!

The easing of lockdown regulations must be done by asking which businesses we cannot allow back to work, rather than which we can.

Put strong preventative & detection measures in place, & close businesses where there is non-compliance
May 5, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
What gives me sleepless nights is that the Cabinet Ministers who have collectively led our country to its economic knees over the past 10 years, are now charged with saving lives and livelihoods.

#Day40ofLockdown National Treasury is projecting the loss of between 3 and 7 million jobs.

Another model is predicting that the lockdown will actually lead to 29 times more lives lost than the
#COVID19 it seeks to protect South Africans from.
Apr 8, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
If we don't put our economy near the top of our agenda, and face our economic crisis with the same energy we are fighting this health crisis, we will emerge from #COVID19 having dodged a bullet, only to face the firing squad.


news24.com/Columnists/Her… Our economy is in deep trouble.

To emerge from this crisis, we have to take the most immediate action to protect our economy, our businesses and those who face unemployment.

BUT it can only be done if we take immediate and decisive action!
Oct 12, 2019 8 tweets 3 min read
Upon reflection, I owe @GTalevi an apology for my response. My skin has been worn thin by a level of unfair criticism. I should not have reacted the way I did and for that I sincerely apologise. I have engaged @JRA to prioritise this site because @GTalevi is right when she says 2 years is too long to wait for something like this to be repaired.
Aug 6, 2018 4 tweets 3 min read
#SebenzaOversight pscp.tv/w/bjgIjTF6dkVO… This is what it looks like underground.
The station is waterproofed. Water cannot enter this room.
Jun 24, 2018 18 tweets 12 min read
📣 PART ONE: Open Letter to the National Director of Public Prosecutions, Advocate Shaun Abrahams,
demanding swift action after sensational but concerning allegations of State Capture &
government corruption against the Gupta family.
(in my personal capacity)
#47DaysLeft 📣 PART TWO: Open Letter to the National Director of Public Prosecutions, Advocate Shaun Abrahams,
demanding swift action after sensational but concerning allegations of State Capture &
government corruption against the Gupta family.
(in my personal capacity)