Health in Justice Action Lab Profile picture
Pursuing justice through a public health lens | We generate knowledge, translate knowledge into policy, and implement measures on ground | Antiracists | @NUSL
Apr 20, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Not trying to kill everyone's buzz today but here is a thread about the status of the drug war in 2022:

• Drug possession arrests held steady at more than a million a year, in stark contrast with a large reduction in overall arrests, which dropped 29%.… • Only 1 in 13 people who were arrested and had a substance use disorder actually received treatment while in jail or prison.…
Jun 19, 2020 25 tweets 12 min read
NEW TOOL: Much attention on city budgets, but no consistent way to measure priorities. We introduce the Carceral Resource Index: to 1) contrast Carceral, Health, Support spending & analyze budget priorities using a holistic measure beyond just policing.… This systematic analysis of crude budget data yielded a nationwide median CRI of -.27. This means US cities in our sample spent significantly more on Carceral systems than on Health and Support combined. See where each city lands below:…
Sep 16, 2019 4 tweets 3 min read
THREAD: Several recent stories have led scholars, wonks, attorneys, and writers to point out what a massive failure the DEA is. The latest is by @maiasz arguing that the DEA should get out of doctors offices and the medical field entirely.… Last month, the lab's @ZachWritesStuff wrote that the opioid crisis is a problem whose roots run far deeper than corporate malfeasance, and that the DEA failed their mandate to regulate pharmaceutical companies.…
Sep 9, 2019 9 tweets 6 min read
THREAD: The Health in Justice Action Lab has been studying the impact of Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs. See our latest report on the "Promises and Perils of PDMPs" here:… @LeoBeletsky and many collaborators found 4 key themes that warrant investigation. 1st: Metrics of "success" have not been adequately defined. Despite rapid implementation, evidence on whether PDMPs reduce overdose deaths and prevent Rx misuse are mixed.…
Jun 10, 2019 5 tweets 4 min read
Check out #ChangingTheNarrative, a new toolkit promoting accurate, compassionate, and science-based coverage of addiction and drug use.
We go after these tired tropes & more:
"Fentanyl 'Contact' Overdose" ❎
"Addicted babies" ❎
"Hitting rock bottom" ❎ #ChangingTheNarrative identified over 20 oft-repeated errors, inaccuracies, and flawed narratives. Each one has its own page that outlines why it's wrong and how to do better. Take "Tough Love": Punitive & confrontational tactics simply do not help people with addiction. Period.