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Nov 11, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Yitang Zhang answers some questions about his new paper about non-vanishing regions of L-functions:…

Some observations

The -2022 was absolutely on purpose, and while I guessed he probably got something about -2000 and tweaked it for the cute result, Zhang says

>My method should be able to get negative hundreds

So we can maybe get an order of magnitude improvement over his paper.

Feb 23, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
I watched @JDHamkins in yesterday. As much as I highly respect Joel, it was ... interesting seeing him interpret/answer the mathematical questions in a way I found very Professional Set Theorist, given the interviewer was self-confessed largely ignorant. I cannot blame Joel, he *is* a professional set theorist! One has to start answers somewhere. But I was itching in my seat when I wanted to have given the same answer, but stated in a different way. :-)
Sep 4, 2021 20 tweets 4 min read
I think I have a new, simpler connection and curving on the "basic gerbe" on a compact, simple, simply-connected Lie group G, with curvature 3-form given by the standard invariant form that is the generator of H^3(G).

What is this? you may well ask. Well, let us take the Lie group SU(2) for concreteness, since this exhibits enough generality to show how all the cases work.

Mar 18, 2020 45 tweets 8 min read
Hopefully a useful resource for people who suddenly need to teach in an online mode

I've only watched the beginning, will work my way through it. Maybe live-tweet observations. If asking for any questions, leave students time to type; will up the time a little, and indeed encourage spontaneous question-asking in the chat box, then when a natural break for questions occurs, they are lined up.

Sep 3, 2019 15 tweets 3 min read
I have a stupid question: I'm pretty sure I remember having seen a construction that takes a bounded hypercover of a topological space X (I even only care about some cosk₁(V ⇉ U) → X and produces an open cover of X refining the hypercover. Or am I being dense? I might just #trymathslive with this one.