Understanding Hinduphobia Profile picture
Bringing together scholars, students, artists, and activists to rigorously examine Hinduphobia and its impact. REGISTER for Conference: https://t.co/dZkJLY1amy
Truth Mission Profile picture 1 subscribed
Aug 21, 2021 6 tweets 4 min read
What is Hinduphobia? The Official Definition from Understanding Hinduphobia.

We invite you to take some time to read through this entire thread a familiarize yourself with the working definition.

.@parthparihar .@indumathi37 .@RutgersHSC .@HinduStudentsC .@hinduoncampus We invite you to engage with the definition recognizing that we are not engaging with the terminology and its etymological meaning in a semantic exercise.
Aug 21, 2021 13 tweets 6 min read
#BREAKING! Rutgers Univ. Student Assembly, a co-sponsor of UH2021, publicizes its resolution recognizing Hinduphobia. Our hats off to everyone who worked on this, esp. @RutgersHSC's indomitable president, Prasiddha Sudhakar, who worked tirelessly w/ RUSA to make this happen.

1/ Given DGH's blatant Hinduphobia and currently unraveling scandal around its lack of academic integrity and prof. ethics, it's the perfect time to read each word of this resolution, understand its significance, and make this go viral!!


Aug 19, 2021 9 tweets 6 min read
Update: Twitter is messing with any tweets we make where anyone, including any sponsoring institution is tagged.

Challenge accepted.

We're resharing the entire thread here without any institutional tags - please retweet with the hashtag #SponsorUH2022 and tag institutions. #sponsorUH2022
Aug 19, 2021 9 tweets 13 min read
Will the champions of academic freedom stand with Hindu scholars and stand against Hinduphobia?

@indumathi37 @parthparihar @hinduprof @aravindasharma @RaniRosser Meenakshi Jain @vjgtweets @HindooHistory @RutgersHSC @hinduoncampus @HinduStudentsC @RashmiDVS

1/ The DGH conference description is filled with distortions and intellectual dishonesty. It's disturbingly violent. Look at the imagery.
