Agitated Spiders for Human Rights 🇺🇸🩸🦷 Profile picture
She/they. #ActuallyAutistic/ADHD. Nerd. Wonk. Dork. Musician. Writer. SJW. 3 manic pixie dream girls in a trenchcoat. Walk-on part in the (culture) war.
Jan 8, 2023 27 tweets 6 min read
In 30 years in tech I've experienced a lot of burnout. I can count at least 7 big burnout episodes, including now, but for most of them I didn't know it was burnout. I thought I was just incapable of high pressure work... which sucked 'cuz that's the work I'm trained for.

1/?🧵 It wasn't until this time last year, when I began to understand my neurodivergence (first ADHD, then autism), that I could see the burnout pattern...

overwork and over-masking

followed by eroding executive function

and a profound feeling of fear, fatigue, and failure.

Jan 6, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
Coming to terms once again with the fact that there's this big conversation _about me_ but my voice isn't included.

It doesn't even help the caregivers of autistics to exclude #ActuallyAutistic voices. It's an echo chamber of false comfort and ineffective, cruel interventions. Here's the thing.

I know that a lot of researchers want, in good faith, to improve the experience of parents with autistic kids. I get that.

It's just that providing comfort for parents should not be the sole focus of a therapeutic industry. 2/?
Feb 9, 2020 24 tweets 4 min read
Fascinating 1991 story about Bill Barr w/ a lot of modern players, incl some modern democrats praising Barr in his ‘91 confirmation hearing for being “refreshingly candid”.

TL/DR: Bill Barr was a bully all through school. He grew up to be a bully.

So is his boss.

THREAD. Some background. Back in ‘16, I noticed that I was angry and anxious all the time. I didn’t know why until, during a Trump stump speech, I realized I was feeling the same things I used to feel in jr high when I was the target of my home town’s bullies.

I was feeling it A LOT.