1/ In 1972, the @ClubOfRome predicted population growth and over-extraction would lead to resource shortages and civilizational collapse within 100 years.
However, short-term price hikes do not negate the long-term trend. Over the last century, food has become dramatically more affordable in the United States. humanprogress.org/rising-food-pr…
Our editor Marian Tupy and @gpooley tracked the prices of 42 food items between 1919 and 2019 relative to wages for blue-collar and unskilled workers.
When the Queen ascended to the throne, the average income per person in the U.K. was 217% higher than that in Hong Kong. In 2017, the British made 30% less on average than the people of Hong Kong. How did that happen? humanprogress.org/article.php?p=…
Since 1970, Hong Kong has consistently ranked as the freest economy in the world. The territory has zero tariffs on imports from abroad and a much lighter regulatory burden. humanprogress.org/article.php?p=…