ICRC in Israel & OT Profile picture
Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross (@ICRC) in #Israel and the Occupied Territories [the #West_Bank, the #Gaza Strip, the #Golan]
Nov 14 5 tweets 2 min read
🧵Many people in Gaza face difficulties accessing basic items like water, food, and healthcare.

To mitigate the impacts of the conflict on civilians in southern Gaza, recently, we supported essential services, alongside local providers; Water trucking, supported by the ICRC, by Coastal Municipalities Water Utility aims to improve the distribution of safe drinking water to the population living South of Wadi Gaza. Image
Sep 9, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
A thread on the latest Palestinian prisoners escape from Gilboa prison and our role in Israeli places of detention.

👇👇👇 The ICRC works on the basis of confidential dialogue with authorities. That's why we have full access to detainees. Having access to all places of detention, being able to meet detainees, and using our confidential dialogue to advocate for their interests is our priority.
Dec 27, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Like many of you, this year we’ve also watched @FaudaOfficial and noted a number of violations of #IHL.

Check out this Twitter thread and tell us if you see more! Ep. 5:
👍Hiking in the forest is good for you.
❌Taking hostages is illegal in any circumstances, and specifically prohibited by #IHL.