Justin Brooke Profile picture
Ex-atheist | I spent $10mil on ads, here’s what I learned https://t.co/zXoZ1fQfkc
3 subscribers
Feb 10 13 tweets 3 min read
💰 $ 9 1 , 2 4 8 last year

Just from my AI written emails & sales pages. (Not including recurring revs).

Plus $8,000 prize from 2nd place over dozens of human copywriters in a sales contest.

Here’s my system… Image First thing you have to understand about AI is that it's just a computer program.

It's not actually smart or sentient.

Which means...

The golden rule of code still applies.

Jul 24, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
Yesterday I set up an ad.

Today my ad has been seen by almost 100,000 people.

Targeted people.

People I specifically chose for it to be shown too.

All for under $100.

This is why I don’t care a lick about SEO or social media.


Does it convert?

(Cont.) With this particular skillset I have unlimited targeted traffic at my disposal.

I can turn it off and on like a light switch.

You can do this too.

Anyone can.

The trick is being able to “keep the light switch on” so to say.


Can you afford to keep paying for the clicks?

Aka does it convert?

Where most people go wrong here is they blame the traffic.

It’s like a store owner going outside and yelling at the billboard because his salesman cannot close a deal.


As former CEO of AdSkills, overseeing thousands of ad campaigns…

Traffic is rarely the problem.

So what is it?

The offer?

The landing page?

90% of the time the reason people fail at ads is a gross misunderstanding of math.

Yes copywriting helps.

A good offer really helps.

But if you understand advertising math, you can “put lipstick on a pig” as they say.

You can virtually force your offers to work.

Dec 8, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
After 20 years of launching offers and making millions…

Here’s how I go from research to cha-ching! 💰

A thread 🧵 Right now I’m turning a brand I’ve been sitting in “Happily Unemployed” into a paid newsletter.

Figured it might be helpful to explain my process of how I plan to enter (and win) in an already crowded space.

Where do I start?

At the END!
Nov 27, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
10,000 plus hours of teaching marketing leads me to this simple system…

(It never fails)

🧵 But first, let’s discuss the assets you’ll need…

⁃5 Page Website
⁃Lead gen page
⁃Social profile
⁃Google Tag Manager
⁃Google Analytics
⁃Google Ads accounts
⁃FB or Twitter ad account

Now, let’s put these together into an evergreen campaign that grows as you grow.
Nov 9, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
I’ve made $1.9mil sending out this exact 5 email sequence on Black Fridays.

Details in thread… 🧵 Image This is a 5 part email series, delivered over 7 days.

First question I get is…

Why not 7 emails? Why not email on day 3-5?

I don’t have a great answer, but this has made me millions so I just don’t change it up.

Let’s break down each email…
Jul 11, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
I said I was going to start "giving it all way for free" sooo...

Here's how I would get 4 clients paying $2,500 in the next 90 days 🧵 First thing you need is leads, kind of hard to sell 4 clients to 0 people.

Good news, if you reading this you already have everything you need. NOOO I'm not about to teach you to DM spam people 🤮
Jun 8, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
After 18yrs running paid traffic, this is my "gun to the head" formula to guaranteed profit... First, make sure you have Google Analytics 4 properly installed on your site.

It's like a condom, you don't running around out in the wild without one.

Once that's done now you're ready to start...
Feb 17, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
My experience at #asburyrevival2023

Revival is something I have prayed about more than anything else I can think of.

So when I heard one was happening NOW and so close, I had to go.

I’ll be honest… I was expecting A LOT! 🧵 Elderly gentleman shaking h... I was ready to see fire from Heaven, drunken in the spirit, limbs re-growing themselves, addicts pouring drugs out on the streets.

And man do I ever want to see that and yes I believe it can happen, because it has happened.

Still praying for that.
Feb 11, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read
After 18yrs selling courses I can teach you everything you need to know in these 12 tweets…

🧵 Week 1: Introduction to Online Course Selling

- Study the e-learning industry and make note of the different business models, software, and marketplaces

- Buy a well known course to understand what a good course looks like
Dec 31, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
Struggling to make @midjourney_ai give you the exact image you want to see?

Try these 10+ hacks to get photoshop level control… Humanoid robot First some basics, scroll to 4th tweet if you are advanced user.

You need the Midjourney discord & then you go to any /newbie rooms to try 25 images for free.

Once inside type /imagine and it’ll give you a “prompt” screen. Now the fun begins.
Dec 29, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
How we are growing our membership site, podcast, and newsletter businesses in 2023…

A #buildinginpublic thread 🧵 First my main company, AdSkills…

We have two main subscription plans, CORE ($19mo) and CORE+ ($49mo).

Noticing that international customers struggle with monthly billing, so offering annual.

Have seen Skillshare and Masterclass pivot to this also.
Dec 22, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
I wrote a book that made me $2.4mil, and it was never sold in bookstores or made any best seller lists.

Here’s what I learned… 🧵 Length doesn’t matter

My book was thinner than a pencil.

Only 70ish pages long.

I wrote it by writing a 10 day email series. Slapped an intro and outro on it and VOILA - a book!
Dec 13, 2022 22 tweets 5 min read
This is not a thread you have to agree with, it’s here for my own future reference...

And that one guy who wants to make millions getting ahead of AI.

Here is how AI will replace ad agencies… A robot face with the words... Before we get into the tactical applications, you have to understand the higher concept.

We (humans) are just a smart audio interface to the client.

Meaning, the client inputs commands (conversation + terms + agreement) to our ears.
Dec 12, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
I used AI to write this thread…

🧵 The prompt I used in #ChatGPT was “write 10 tips for writing a viral Twitter thread” Image
Dec 1, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
In 2007, I was so broke I paid half my electric bill just to scrape up $60 to put on Google ads.

Today, I've built two 7fig businesses, run one of the largest ad training companies in the world, & been interviewed on 37 podcasts.

This is a 🧵 about how it all happened... To tell this story right, I have to start in 2005.

This is when I started my first website. My goal was to build a website that paid my bills.

People laughed at my goal.

I failed for the next two years straight.
Nov 27, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
You won't find me on any "Comma Clubs" but I've built a 7 figure membership site, and we have thousands of members.

Here's the best methods I've tested for acquiring FLOODS of new members... Screenshot 1/ FREE TRIAL (duh)

Dan Kennedy said it best "Free trials will TRIPLE your sign up rate." There's a reason why EVERY successful SaaS company starts with a free trial. People want to see inside and give it a test run. Which brings me to my next MAJOR tip...
Nov 25, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
I wrote book that made me $2.4mil, and it was never sold in bookstores or made any best seller lists.

Here’s what I learned… 1/ Length doesn’t matter

My book was thinner than a pencil. Only 70ish pages long. I wrote it by writing a 10 day email series. Slapped an intro and outro on it and voila - a book.
Nov 24, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
After making over $5mil selling courses online, there are 3 exercises I start with EVERY TIME… MARKET MAP

This is a spreadsheet with the names of the top players in my niche (at least 10), their websites, traffic stats, blog, & social profile.

With this document I am able to know who my competitors are & what the market is already interested in. It’s my “idea source.”