AluanWang Profile picture
Living w/ digital art for more than 10 years.
Jan 31, 2023 9 tweets 7 min read
1)在上一篇貼文裡,我介紹了 #tezos 以及 #genart 的獨特性,而在這一篇貼文中,則是要有系統的教會大家,如何欣賞生成式藝術。時間回到1896年,當觀眾首次看到盧米埃爾兄弟的『火車進站』電影時,他們嚇得驚慌失措而逃離,而這正呈現新媒體的特質,人們必須習慣新的敘事方法後,才能開始理解其內涵。 2)生成式藝術在區塊鏈的推波助瀾下,跟過往的(2021年前)的型態很不同。早些年前,生成藝術因其可複製性,我們在創作時較重視表演性, audio/visual 的形式,是市場主流;嚴格的控制frameRate、與其他媒材的協調性(聲音、光線),然而當區塊鏈讓生成藝術固定型態後,一切的發展又都不同了。
Jan 4, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1)When I was younger and working at museums, some of the indigenous art I saw had a great influence on me. The vibrant lines, bold color choices, and respect for nature left a deep impression on me. I especially appreciate artists like Max LIU, whose works fully express the thoughts and compassion of humans towards all things.…
Jan 4, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
If one day both #tezos and #eth cryptocurrencies suffer a flash crash and their values return to zero, would NFTs still have value on these chains? My guess is: 1. Trading on the market will come to a complete halt in the short term and many NFTs will truly die.