Iana Dreyer Profile picture
Trade policy wonk. Global European. Founder @BorderlexEditor - @UKTradeForum Here *personal ramblings* #EU #FR #UK #Brexit #tradepolicy #civilliberties
Jan 4, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
I hardly ever disagree with @alanbeattie but here I do have to say a few things on some of the arguments made here.

1/ On China divide and conquer: If at all, this deal will *reduce* divide and conquer risk. Cos Com/EU level now has final say over investment policy tow China. 2/ Remember EU is rolling out other instruments including more investment screening, foreign subsidy control etc. All I can say from watching EU deals so far is that the EU is always the net winner in those deals.
May 19, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
1/ Some thoughts on UK draft text tabled to the EU today + @DavidGHFrost letter

It is understandable, and even desirable from a business perspective, that many of the UK's demands on EU are ahemm, 'ambitious'. 2/ There is however a problem of public discourse. The UK argument that it is only asking for plain vanilla FTA terms based on EU FTA precedent is plain wrong.
Oct 20, 2017 6 tweets 2 min read
1/ Sentimental moment. Am foreigner in UK. Lived here on/off total 5 y. My profession as trade expert dragged me deep into #Brexit debate 2/ Everything shld make me reject & loathe UK at moment, including how I personally will b treated as EU citizen. Yet paradoxically