Ikram Haq, MD Profile picture
@MayoClinic Cardiology Fellow | @MayoMN_IMRES, @ImperialCollege & @Imperialbiz Alumnus
Oct 1, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵 on the Algorithmic Localisation of Accessory Pathways from ECG

A concept I’m getting to grips with made easier by a beautiful review by #Crinion & @adribaran in Card Electrophysiol Clinic (PMID 33161996)

#EPeeps #MedEd #Cardiology 🫀Considerations of AP localising algorithms:

A. Only apply to manifest antegrade AP & not concealed AP which conduct retrograde

B. Algorithms focused on atrioventricular AP & not other rarer AP

C. Depend on the degree of preexcitation with

D. Cautions with multiple APs
Jan 27, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
🫀Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy (CRT)🔌

🧵 Sharing some brief learning points from @Dr_Keene & @ZacharyWhinnett’s thorough review in @Heart_BMJ


1/10 What’s the Aim of CRT❓

To improve🫀function by delivering more physiological cardiac activation ⚡️in pts w conduction system disease

Nov 18, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
🧵 Great Review in @Heart_BMJ & accompanying podcast by @jhfrudd #DrBhargava on managing PVC’s


Sharing a few personal learning takeaways: ☠️ Is the PVC Benign?

✅ Likely Benign:
PVC burden <5% in a normal🫀from typical sites: RVOT, fascicular or papillary muscles more likely to be benign

❌ Likely Non-Benign:
PVC burden >5% in structural abnormal 🫀 from atypical sites (eg: epicardial) or multiple morphologies