Anit Ghosh Profile picture
Learner, Traveler, Fan Of #APJAbdulKalam Sir, Admirer Of Lord #Buddha & Shiv Ji, Proud Indian🇮🇳, Football ⚽ Enthusiast. RTs aren't endorsement!
Aug 8, 2020 27 tweets 19 min read
There are 1000s of stories of Yazidi woman's bravery. After being tortured, raped & sold as a sex shelves by Islamic States (ISIS) terrorists. But they shown their courage & managed to escape from ISIS.

It's been 6 years of #YazidiGenocide but still they're away from justice.1/n 3rd Aug marks 6th anniversary of #YazidiGenocide by Islamic State.

1000s killed. 1000s sexually enslaved. 1000s orphaned. 100s of 1000s exiled.

ISIS members brunt their families alive in front of them, brunt their houses, forcefully raped them and sold them as sex shelves. 2/n
Jul 23, 2020 15 tweets 7 min read
On this thread I'm talking about the blunders made "Blunder King Nehru" and still pay the price of his worse blunders!

But the first blunder of Independent India commited by "Father of Nation" Mahatma Gandhi to chose Nehru as India's first Prime Minister over Sardar Patel. 1/n A. Kashmir Issue

Nehru single-handedly created the Kashmir issue that weighs India down to this day.
1. By refusing J&K's accession to India when it was first offered in September 1947;
2. By accepting it only if the unconditional accession was made temporary & conditional;