Irine Kuklina Profile picture
Founder of Dissident Samizdat 'Freedom Files' / Italy | #freeTibet | #FreeRussianPoliticalPrisoners | ✍️ 📚
4 subscribers
Nov 13, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Фрэнсис Фукуяма (advisory board, Anti-Corruption Foundation International)
- один из разработчиков санкций по банковским карточкам для держателей рос.паспортов
Image Сергей Гуриев (member (?), Anti-Corruption Foundation International)
- один из разработчиков усиленных финансовых санкций для держателей рос.паспортов
Oct 7, 2023 33 tweets 10 min read

100 Russian Political Prisoners

School & University Professors, Scientists, Poets, Musicians, Artists, Entrepreneurs, Anti-War & Anti-Corruption Activists, Ecologists, Politicians, Students, Protesters vs. Fake Elections & vs. Criminal Gov. Politics.
1/ Image 100 Russian Political Prisoners
Contemporary Dissidents and Heroes

Lilia Chanysheva
Natalia Filonova
Olga Smirnova
Darya Polyudova
2/ Image
Sep 21, 2023 24 tweets 9 min read
World: Russians why you didn't protest against the war in Ukraine? - PART 2

#OTD 21st of September 2014,
100.000+ protests participants
different locations all over the country
Thread 🧵🧵🧵
1/∞ Image In Moscow "March for Peace" was organized by Boris Nemtsov (5 months after that he will be killed) and gathered circa 100.000 protesters
May 25, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
What's wrong with Italian Journalism about international agenda?

Lack of knowledge, low quality analysis, absence of personal opinion, happy submission to foreign propaganda. As the result there is a misinformation and glorification of killers and neo-nazists (!)
1/ ❗️In Italian media THERE IS ALMOST ZERO information about Russian dissidents, protesters and oppositioners who were lonely for 20 years standing against Kremlin chekist regime❗️
In Italy until now THERE IS NO ANY investigation of #KGBistan infiltration
May 7, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
Gentile Marco Travaglio @marcotravaglio
questa informazione che putin -chekista, stalinista, assasino, ladro, trafficante di droga- e' votato dai russi dove hai pescato esattamente?
Hai chiamato #KGB?
Oppure loro ti hanno mandato cosidette "linee guide" per i propagandisti?
1/ Image Forse hai fatto un sogno?
Ti svelo un segreto: putin non e' stato scelto dal popolo russo.
Tutte le elezioni sono state falsate. Ci sono le prove dai filmati, testimonianze, osservatori internazionali.
Ha usurpato il potere.
Cominci ad informarti 1-🧵
May 6, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
World: Russians why you have elected putin and never protested?
Russians: May 6, 2012 - Bolotnaya
+ 120.000 people to protest against fake elections
+ 400 arrested
+ 30 people jailed
1 day of 2-years-long multiple protests against
illegitimate government which usurped power
1/∞ Image World: Russians why you have elected putin and never protested? - May 6, 2012

text: Petersburg against putin!
2/ Image
Mar 15, 2023 28 tweets 9 min read
World: Russians why you didn't protest for Crimea annexation and military invasion in Donbass?

Russians in ONLY March 2014:
19+ locations protests all over the country
50.000+ protests participants: several hundreds arrested, injured and jailed.
Thread 🧵
1/∞ Image The first protester ever was Russian journalist Evgeny Levkovich.
The day 1st of March, 2014 he went to protest near Council of Federation where was still voting process "if" to send military troops to Ukraine.
5 men were arrested.
2/ Image
Mar 13, 2023 27 tweets 11 min read
l'ipocrisia criminale dei politici EU che da 20 anni causa guerre e adesso le repressioni contro un popolo derubato e martoriato dai comunisti e chekisti.
THREAD (leggete fino alla fine)
-1-… 2- C'era una volta non tanto tempo un paese di nome l'URSS dove torturavano e massacravano millioni di persone nel nome del Comunismo e Socialismo. L'URSS stava fallendo e per salvarsi via trasformazione stringeva gli accordi con politici Europei.…
Oct 18, 2022 38 tweets 19 min read
Dear Gabrielius, I don't know what's wrong with you, maybe last decade you was out of Earth, however I am here to help.
95% population of Earth and 80% of EU doesn't know who are these exotic countries "Baltic States" you are talking about, so let me explain.

1/12 So called 'Baltic States' are simply post-Soviet republics, which lived under communist nomenclature. After USSR's end communist crooks didn't have any Nuremberg for their crimes and went straight to EU.
What they started to do?
Oct 17, 2022 14 tweets 7 min read
Dear @JosepBorrellF , thank you for coming out and explaining your neo-Hitlerian agenda. It is very useful for those who trusted EU propaganda that "Europe is a land of human rights / democratic values" to finally watch the real face of Evil.
In exchange I state my points:
1- YOU and politicians from the Garden ARE GUILTY of Putin's legitimation in the field of international politics, promoting him for the Western people with a fake image as a pro-democratic, trustful and good guy.
Oct 9, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
❗ТРЕД ОТВЕЧАЮЩИЙ на вопросы, для тех, кто хочет и готов бороться за свои права.

1 - Кто я?
Я родилась в СССР, в Сибири, в самой обычной семье без спецпайка. У нас была дача, где летом в школьные годы я пахала на грядках. Обычные фломастеры для меня были заветной мечтой :) 2 - Эмиграция.
Впервые я увидела (и узнала про существование) П. по телевизору в ночь на 01.01.2000 и поняла, что ВСЁ. Надеяться на что-то хорошее не стоит, потому что будет совок N2. Я приняла решение уехать, нашла способ и уехала как можно быстрее.
Oct 7, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
16 anni fa a Mosca é stata uccisa la giornalista russa, scrittrice e difensore di diritti umani Anna Politkovskaya. Era una donna coraggiosa, onesta e passionale, dotata di grande compassione ed empatia, instancabile nella sua lotta per la giustizia delle persone oppresse.
1/7 Image Anna diceva e scriveva delle cose semplici e vere ma nel nostro mondo fatto di ipocrisia quelle non piacevano a nessuno.
Oct 7, 2022 29 tweets 10 min read
World: Russians why you don't protest?
Russians in 2000-2021:
2.470+ protests inside Russia
210+ protests abroad
2 400 000+ protest participants: thousands killed, injured, arrested, jailed and tortured. Young and old, men, women and teens.
1/25 Here’s Garry Kasparov @Kasparov63 warning about Putin’s police state as he’s getting hauled off by Moscow police at a protest in 2007. Report by @nickspicerTV via @melissakchan
Sep 23, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Ho scritto l'articolo che e' un mio contributo per il 25 settembre #ElezioniPolitiche2022
In questo testo ci sono le domande per Salvini, Meloni e Conte. Le domande che non mi risultano sono state fatte dai giornalisti o qualcuno altro.
1/8… Le domande che riguardano il voto nel Parlamento Europeo nel settembre 2020. Si, soltanto 2 anni fa, nel mondo prima della guerra che si poteva e si doveva prevenire. Rescrivo queste domande anche su twitter: