Ismail Royer Profile picture
Muslim. Father of 6. Opinions are mine. Bylines: Washington Post, USA Today, Newsday, Detroit Free Press, First Things, American Conservative, Public Discourse.
2 subscribers
Jan 25 12 tweets 4 min read
Yesterday SCOTUS agreed to hear a case that could change the face of education in America. It would:

--give parents unprecedented access to school choice

--give private & religious schools (including Islamic schools) access to public funds

--break the public school monopoly🧵 The case is Oklahoma Statewide Charter School Board v. Drummond. The state charter school commission granted a charter to a Catholic virtual school. The state supreme court held that violated the Establishment Clause as charter schools are public schools & hence "state actors."
Dec 26, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
It’s hilarious that the owner of @RadioGenoa is losing his mind being identified as Louis Bopea, a Cambodian immigrant to France & National Front delegate. But I don’t believe in fighting disinformation with disinformation. Bopea doesn’t run it, Antonio Mastantuono does.🧵 Image
I’m the guy who first identified Bopea as the owner of @RadioGenoa back in February. That was a mistake based on this post which erroneously identified the account’s owner as the owner of @Natio_1976. My contribution was to track down the owner of that account as Bopea.
Dec 7, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
This characterizes the work of some children of ikhwan diaspora graduating from Western universities where postmodernism is the paradigm. Their postmodern post-Islamism is a dead end in that it offers no alternatives to what it critiques & is often freighted with baffling jargon. They were preceded in this by their uncles at IIIT.
Nov 17, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Oklahoma isn’t “bringing the Bible back” to schools to be taught as the truth, as it once was, but as a “historical document” to understand “the role the Bible played in our nation’s history.”

It’s a purely secular move that supporters & detractors are pretending is religious. This is a feature of the contemporary debate over gov’t establishment of religion, where conservatives purport to promote religion that is actually a secularized artifact reflecting a belief
once held to be reality itself but that is reframed as merely historically important.
Nov 8, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
In the wake of @almaghrib teacher Wisam Sharieff, reflect how institutional attitudes & cowardice allow abuse to continue.

Nick Pelletier tells how he was attacked for exposing child abuse at the Islamic Center of Irving while celebrity imams cowered. 🧵
When a religious authority abuses a child it's mandatory to ask if his institution enabled the abuser & how it needs to change. @IrvingMasjid fired Nick as it enabled & protected abusers like its imam, now ordered to pay $2.55 million for sexual…
Nov 3, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
This illustrates the shallowness, cultural poverty, & inferiority complex of this segment of Saudi society. Aside from the heresy, they debase themselves to imitate Anglo-Americans but have no connection to the Christian or Celtic pagan roots that give Halloween meaning. Even if you don’t participate in Halloween (as Muslims shouldn’t), it still has meaning based in the harvest, death, & renewal which people outside the culture have no access to, as commercialized as it is. This highlights the superficiality & silliness of Saudis doing this.
Nov 3, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
The left has an inherent, militant opposition to key aspects of Islamic morality. Dominant factions of the right hate Islam outright. It’s hard to see how Muslims have any role in mainstream electoral politics without betraying their beliefs or devaluing their identity. The case of Catholics illustrates this. There are aspects of mainstream Catholic belief that are deeply at odds with the ideologies of both the left & the right. Catholics attached to either are pressured (or self select) to accept heresy. Jacques Maritain explained this: Image
May 19, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Every interaction on twitter is a potential trigger of hassle & quarrel. Countless times I’ve replied to a post & it’s taken as a deep personal insult. So many on here are psychically unstable or going through personal crisis & any perceived slight can turn them into your stalker This is no doubt partly due to the nature of communicating by electronic text, where even emails & texts can for some reason seem hostile. I myself have often completely misinterpreted such things. I don’t remember ever experiencing this with handwritten communication.
Apr 18, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Though I disagree with her, I appreciate what @krmaher does here. She lays out a vision of truth & pluralism that enjoys increasing credibility but is rarely articulated so well or so congenially. We need a similar voice for classical order. As I wrote:……Image I also don’t think this vision can be dismissed as far-left since, though it is indeed articulated in a left idiom, it’s not fundamentally distinguishable from neo-Burkeanism in its position toward truth. Their difference lies in their pragmatic approach to the fact of pluralism.
Feb 14, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
So it seems the @RadioGenoa hate account is run by an apparently Asian activist for the French neo-fascist party Rassemblement National (National Rally), called the National Front until 2018. Here he is hugging RN leader Marine LePen @MLP_officiel & putting up RN campaign signs.

Image I'm saying "seems" because the evidence points to this that others have pointed out strongly suggest the person calling himself Louis Montpellier Natio with the handle @Natio_1976 runs the account. He has now changed his profile to this: Image
Nov 17, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Bin Laden’s letter resonates with a segment of young people because it was most likely ghost-written by Adam Gadahn, a Californian child of hippies who converted to Islam, beat up the imam of his mosque then made his way to Al Qaeda where he became a high level propagandist. 1/n
Image Gadahn had obviously binged on Noam Chomsky & Howard Zinn so nearly all his videos for AQ have this “people’s history” content delivered in his shrill, haranguing, unhinged style. 2/n
Jun 6, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
Montgomery County, Maryland Councilmember Kristin Mink tells the county public school board @MCPS that Muslim families who seek the right to opt out of teachings on sexual morality that violate their religion are on the same side as white supremacists Are Muslim parents the same as white supremacists if they don’t want their girls to be taught that they can become boys? ImageImageImage
Oct 5, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
After the Supreme Court issued #Dobbs some Muslim supporters of Roe v. Wade mocked the idea that Roe's extreme liberalization of #abortion led to promiscuity and contributed to the very problem that liberal abortion law purports to solve. And more fornication & more abortions. 🧵 But let's take a look at the Indiana lawsuit filed last month by the ACLU on behalf of a Muslim woman claiming that Indiana's new restrictive law on abortion violates her religious freedom because she follows the lenient position that Islam allows abortion before 120 days. 2/9
Aug 3, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
When it comes to Islam, there is no sincere, legally plausible religious freedom claim for abortion. That’s because (1) all Islamic scholars agreed abortion is forbidden for any reason after ensoulment (120 days of fetal age) except to save the mother’s life, hence there’s no claim a state law violates Muslim religious liberty insofar as it restricts abortion after that.
Jul 1, 2022 22 tweets 5 min read
NEW: American Muslim attitudes on abortion law. A @CAIRNational poll finds at least 48% support banning #abortion after 20 weeks or earlier for any reason but a medical emergency. 🧵

Only 13.7% said they support abortion until birth without restriction.… Image The number of American Muslims supporting prohibition after 20 weeks, 15 weeks & 6 weeks was about equal. 7% would support bans without any exception.

This reveals that American Muslims are Islamically orthodox on the issue (surprisingly so, if the media narrative is believed).