Adam Profile picture
Husband | Father of 8 | Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 🦉 | Personality Mechanic | Aspiring Renaissance Man
Jan 20, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
for Christmas the last 3 years, I have been equipping my children with weapons to wage battle with each other in the backyard. The wife and I have noticed a couple of things happen, as our children (both boys & girls) engage in aggressive play;

1. They spend way more time outside, because thats the only place to safely engage with the implements of destruction (they can wrestle and fight indoors, but if they want to swing swords or clubs at each other, gotta take it outside) Theyre way more active than their peers
Oct 6, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Seeing the constant enumeration of callings and achievements within the Church before apostatizing, and the consequent deterioration of moral standards post-church membership on display as though it speaks to some credibility to then pass judgement on the Church's doctrines... All you have actually managed to do is convince me you never progressed beyond the conventional-morality stage of development, whereby your motivation was completely wrapped up in social approval or conformity...
Jul 21, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
"Government shouldnt be in marriage at all" sounds like a nice, neutral place to be, but it denies the purpose of marriage and ignores the consequences to society that rearing children inside of some social experiment will have. It does affect you, and it affects your kids. Libertarianism is lukewarm where the gospel is concerned. It's a false god that too many Latter-day Saints worship because they think it slices through social issues with some precision. It simply abdicates responsibility for societal ills
Apr 4, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
A common theme among the #HeavenlyMother crowd appears to be that, feeling disaffected, they ventured to pray to someone other than God, and by golly, someone answered with sweet affirming reassurances that yes, Priesthood leaders are wrong I love that all that is required to access this knowledge of #HeavenlyMother is to hate the patriarchy.
Mar 18, 2022 63 tweets 4 min read
1 like = 1 random take of my choosing for you to get upset over everyone is emotional first. logic comes after we have taken the emotional action to justify it.
Mar 18, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
what is it that compells you, when you read something on birdapp, to go 100% full throated attack mode if you disagree with it? what is it about encountering a differing opinion that turns people in to total a-holes?

I have to assume that people who do this online, probably dont do this IRL to people, so is it displacement?
Jul 19, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Going after @Gregforcouncil as some alt-right white nationalist is as stupid as going after @hankrsmith for the same thing

This has nothing to do with their politics (which are fine) & everything to do with their faith

Its bigotry masquerading as concern. They hate our faith ANYTHING they can do to give the church a black eye is on the table, and theyll use #DezNat as some manufactured boogeyman to accomplish it

These are grown ass adults throwing temper tantrums
Mar 26, 2021 40 tweets 6 min read
So there I was, minding my own business on day 3 or 4 of a meth induced "walking coma", checking from behind the miniblinds at every car that passed by my house to make sure it wasnt the po-lice or some sort of body snatching skinwalker... paranoia had riddled my mind. I lay in bed and could feel my body shutting down from exhaustion, but my mind refused to shut up long enough for me to get some sleep.

Every shadow in my room concealed some terrible entity bent on my destruction...
Nov 24, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
I hate what's become of the counseling profession.

We went from powerhouses like Ellis and Perls to woke SJW affirmation only nonsense and wonder why our collective mental health continues to deteriorate Counseling was designed with SOLUTIONS in mind. The modern theoretical fathers were in competition as to who's approach was superior at getting you patched up and back on the road as quickly as possible....
Sep 27, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
I talked briefly today on the #SpiritualArson podcast about this 2 month old bag of granny smith apples in my fridge.

After re-listening to this episode I had some additional thoughts I wish I would have shared during the episode...… These apples look great. This is part of why we do GMO's in the first place. We can engineer the "perfect" apple, controlling for things like weight, shape, color and shelf life. They then get a beauty treatment of wax and polish to finish the look... Image
Sep 24, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
"OfFiCeRs wOuLd nEvEr eNfOrCe uNcOnStiTutiOnAL LaWs!!" I understand support for law enforcement, but when push comes to shove, they will do as they're told by whomever they believe is in charge.

Law enforcement attracts a specific temperament, and it's one that defers to authority for its decisions.
Sep 21, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Rationalizing what are obviously emotional reactions.

I call that "kicking it upstairs"

It's a refusal to acknowledge that sometimes the emotional brain is in the drivers seat and you cant bear the thought of that kind of loss of control It represents a failure of will, and for some people, that's a soul crushing kind of blow to the self-confidence.

"There is a perfectly logical explanation for why I feel the way I do, it is in no way related to my own emotional baggage but a reasonable and thought out position"
Sep 15, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Theres a joke that it's the bassist in the band that no one knows or talks about who disappears behind the singer and guitarists, but have you ever been the keyboardist? In college I was responsible for the keyboards AND the electronic drums in my band. Everything that wasnt guitar, was me.

One evening out with friends someone suggested "we go to some guys apartment and listen to Tim's band practice tonight"...
Sep 7, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
The wife and I have been talking this evening about the good people we have had the pleasure to live around in our years out here

I have learned more about what it means to be a good Christian friend & neighbor from @Bonkuba than anyone else.

There are good people out there Had a strong rainstorm one day and my garage began to flood. I was frantically trying to pump out what I could.

@Bonkuba came out of his house and started shoveling like it was his own house. He broke free some debris that was blocking a drainage path for me, saving my garage..
Sep 1, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
We recreate the relationships we are used to. Some people are emotionally incapable of anything different. High conflict people, for example, have no frame of reference for a life outside of an "us vs the world" mindset. Its deep.

So you burn bridges and create the drama, because then you know how to act. That kind of relationship makes sense and you have power
Aug 26, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
No one is asking why so many of our youth are charging head first into these death wish scenarios. Generational disaffectedness exacerbated by targeted and intentional social media pressures, designed to destabilize an entire nation.

We are witness to the rise of our own undoing.
Aug 25, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
My other passion. Image Maybe I need more synthesizer and groovebox talk.
Aug 24, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
Several years ago my wife and I endured a pretty miserable Bishop. We have countless stories about our experiences, but wanted to share one in particular, both for what he did, and what others were willing to do; I wont get into why this guy hated us, but understand that he did. And he and his wife set out to destroy us socially.

We had a lot of new families move into the ward over the course of about a year, all of whom were in our demographic. Potential friends...
Aug 15, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
My wife has this great take on the whole "woke mother Eve" thing.

For those unfamiliar, the theory goes that mother Eve, seeing that disobeying God had to be done to bring to pass mankind, was doing the noble thing by partaking of the fruit. She was more in tune than Adam... My wife, despite being something of a classic feminist herself, highlighted an interesting quality in womankind when it comes to taking action. That women, generally, tend to assume because they know what must be done, figure they are justified in however it gets done...
Aug 14, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
I hate cowards. I recognize its emotional on my part, but I totally loathe cowardice in people. When everyone in the room recognizes that "something must be done!" But no one is willing to step up, I feel compelled to do so, because *it needs to happen*

I resent it because I'm left to assume all of the risk for something everyone else acknowledged was a problem
Aug 5, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
Quit sugar and caffeine cold turkey on Friday of last week, and have drastically restricted my carb intake to near zero.

Saturday wasnt terrible. A little weak, just wanted to take a nap.

Sunday was MISERABLE. Thought I had the COVIDs.. Sweaty, weak, body aches and bouts with diarrhea that would make Taco Bell jealous.

I didnt sleep at all Sunday night and was up to pee maybe a dozen times or more well into Monday morning.