Christian, husband, father, patriot. Host of The JD Rucker Show. Editor of TheLibertyDaily and AmericaFirstReport. "Ephesians 6:12 applies today."
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Jan 6, 2023 • 7 tweets • 1 min read
DC is irreparable.
Kevin McCarthy as de facto leader of the GOP is all the evidence necessary to realize the Uniparty Swamp is in complete political control.
Pockets of opposition that occasionally pop up get burnt and discarded faster than a Hunter Biden crack pipe.
The GOP is the marginally-less-horrible wing of the Uniparty Swamp.
This political cabal owns DC, or to be more accurate, they manage DC and do whatever they're told when they get calls from Beijing, Davos, or Hell.
Oct 10, 2022 • 8 tweets • 1 min read
The people who want to censor us for spreading "misinformation" and "disinformation" are the biggest disseminators of lies.
They want their censorship powers to expand because they need to protect their own deceptions.
The ones who said the 2016 election was stolen by Russia Russia Russia are the same people claiming the 2020 election was perfectly legitimate.
Jul 11, 2022 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
The Hunter "hack" was intentionally allowed by the powers-that-be.
It is Standard Operating Procedure to secure ALL devices and online accounts of POTUS and VP family members.
The securing process is extreme for normal people.
For Hunter Biden, it would have been a monstrous undertaking that was checked by multiple agencies multiple times.
Jun 25, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Last week they had no idea what a "woman" was because they're not biologists.
This week they can tell you with absolute certainty that a preborn baby is not a human and has no right to live because of "rights" of aforementioned mysterious "women."
Last week they said parents do not have the right to even know what gender their public school teachers brainwashed their children into believing they are.
This week they say would-be parents have the right to have their preborn babies murdered.
May 13, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Nobody wants to hear this, but the fact that Hannity et al are going nuclear on Kathy Barnette to save an embarrassing loss for a Trump-backed candidate tells us the America First movement exists outside the Trump bubble.
I still support Donald Trump despite his poor choice of backing a globalist RINO, but this conservative-on-conservative war over Pennsylvania is ugly.
It was, however, necessary.
I know where I stand. I know where others stand now as well. I support America First regardless.
Apr 28, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Sanctions against Russia were intended to end the war in Ukraine.
They have failed.
Instead, they are causing extreme economic strife, not just in Russia but across the globe, including in the United States.
Sadly, saying "the sanctions aren't working so they should end" is certain to get America-Last folks calling me a Russian propagandist or Putin apologist.
I'm a realist. They're not working. We're suffering as a result.
Russia is our enemy, as they have been for decades.
Apr 23, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
The MTG hearing isn't about stopping her. It's about setting the precedent to stop Donald Trump.
But you knew that already.
It isn't the Democrats who are trying to stop MTG and, as a proxy, Donald Trump.
It's the Republican Establishment who is terrified that they won't be able to wrest back control of the GOP before 2024.
Mar 27, 2022 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
I'll go and say something unpopular that I've been considering for a while...
What if Russia isn't really doing as poorly in Ukraine as we're being told?
What if they want the world to think the war is going poorly in order to prolong the conflict and draw us in?
I have a hard time believing Ukraine and their 70 jets are somehow owning the skies.
I have a hard time believing SEVEN Russian generals have been killed.
I have a hard time believing Russia sent in their oldest equipment and least experienced conscripts to win quickly.
Jan 16, 2022 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Look around. Pandemic Panic Theater has been normalized.
People ignore the science and do what they're told by the government.
Every day that passes makes it harder for us to reverse course and bring sanity back to this nation.
We have a hard choice to make now, but if we choose poorly the next choice we make will be much harder.
Today, we can choose to stand up and tell government, media, and civilian supporters of medical tyranny that we will not join them in their quest for The Great Reset.
Jan 9, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
This is so discouraging.
@GeraldoRivera, part of a major media organization, is "shocked" he got Covid despite being triple-jabbed.
We sometimes operate in a "scientific bubble" and think everyone is abundantly aware the jabs do not prevent infection or spread.
We are wrong.
Our government has done such a fabulous job of selling the vaccines that "knowledgeable" people like Rivera and Sotomayor are completely detached from the truth.
The facts are in plain sight, but they do not match the narrative.
Sadly, too few are actually educating themselves.
Jan 4, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
A piece of advice to the GOP: Stop sounding so certain that you're going to win back the House and Senate this year.
Exuding confidence is good in campaigns. Bellowing about what you're going to do when you have control is fodder for leftists to pounce upon.
When asked if a GOP House would impeach Biden, @EliseStefanik implied it's on the table.
That juices up the base, but it turns of the majority of Americans who were sick of impeachments after the 1st, let alone the 2nd.
Should Biden be impeached? Yes.
Advertise it now? Nope.
Dec 7, 2021 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
I'm starting to believe many of the vaxx-nannies, mandate-mongers, and general proponents of Pandemic Panic Theater actually realize they were conned, but admitting it now is just too embarrassing for them so they're doubling down.
The cognitive dissonance required to stand by the claims they're making is beyond anything I've ever seen. This tells me they're either supremely stupid or lying, perhaps even to themselves.
Sep 17, 2021 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
#VaxxNannySlogans: "We're all in this together unless you're unvaccinated."
#VaxxNannySlogans: "The vaccines totally work which is why we need protection from the unvaccinated and anyone who is vaccinated but who hasn't been tested today."
May 7, 2021 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
This'll likely get me banned on Twitter but we've all been on borrowed time for a while. Might as well speak the truth if we're going to speak here at all.
The routers currently being illegally withheld from the #ArizonaAudit are very likely the smoking gun of election fraud.
The claim that releasing virtual images of the routers to secured, certified professional forensic auditors would put law enforcement lives in danger is a bald-faced like.
It is lunacy prima facie.
They hope we're as stupid as they think we are. That's all there is to it.
Jan 7, 2021 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Classify this under "too little, too late," but it needs to be said.
The excuse many Republicans used tonight to justify not objecting to the electors was that the Constitution limits them.
This is inaccurate. Federalism is about checks and balances...
What we've seen with the 2020 election was, at the very least, highly questionable. To say that it was thoroughly investigated, adjudicated, and voted on by state legislatures is an absolute lie.
Dec 24, 2020 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
There's a chance that Joe Biden will be named president by the swamp and the minions of evil, but I'm still very confident the truth will prevail.
I'm not seeing a lot of hope from the MAGA crowd.
Cheer up. There has always multiple paths and still time to see realize victory.
At any time between now and January 6th (and some would say January 20th is the real date to beat), the MOAB, "Mother Of All Bombshells," can drop.
And if it does, it changes everything.
Dec 3, 2020 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
The fact that observers and press were told to leave in Georgia and then election workers continued counting for several more hours is grounds enough to invalidate the state election.
This is against the law.
They lied. Then they cheated. Then they covered it up.
People keep saying, "Show me the evidence!"
Watch the Georgia hearing. VIDEO evidence of Georgia election laws being broken is playing right now.
Why send observers home, then pull out piles of ballots hidden under the table after GOP observers left?
This is evidence.
Dec 2, 2020 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
There are now hundreds of affidavits, sworn under penalty of perjury, detailing widespread voter fraud.
Those who get their news from mainstream media have no idea.
It's up to you and me to alert everyone we know. They don't want to hear it. Make them listen.
If a "fraud denier" says something to the effect of "if it were real it would be in the news," don't laugh at them.
Kindly alert them that mainstream media, Big Tech, Democratic lawmakers, and even many Republican lawmakers will never admit their own complicity in the crimes.
Were they what we expected? Let's see...
The Georgia lawsuit was shockingly mild on attacks against Dominion. Yes, they were mentioned 58 times in the suit, but the focus was on lower-hanging fruit.
Brian Kemp, Brad Raffensperger, and the election board clearly broke laws, cut deals, and tried to cover it all up.
Nov 14, 2020 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
As I continue to express my supreme confidence in @realDonaldTrump's reelection inevitability, replies and DM's are flooding in.
The biggest question is a variation of, "It all seems bad. What am I missing?"
Here are the things I'm seeing and hearing. Thread, of course...
A big push by both press and comment-trolls is, "So many lawsuits are being dismissed!"
This is true, sort of. Several cases are being thrown out.
Several out of hundreds.
The ones that don't get thrown out don't make the news.
Nov 8, 2020 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
Questions have come in about why I am so sure @realDonaldTrump is going to win reelection when all is said and done.
No, it's definitely not wishful thinking. I'm a skeptic at heart and I hate being wrong.
I guess it's time for a thread.
We are witnessing a multi-stage, long-planned coup attempt. Period. This isn't about Democrats cheating for a competitive advantage or any other ways of cherry-coating it.
This is insurrection. It's a coupe.
When the truth comes out, they cannot be let off the hook.