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Aug 23rd 2021
SHARE Praying Medic Telegram:
1. If you did not vote in Maricopa County in the November 2020 general election, please share this message with your contacts on social media.

If you Did vote in Maricopa County in the November 2020 election, please take a few minutes and read these
2. questions:

1) Did you vote in person at a Maricopa County voting center or precinct in the November 2020 election?
2) Were you given a provisional ballot that was later rejected?
3) Did you receive written notice stating why your provisional ballot was rejected?
3. 4) Did you disagree with the reason given for the rejection of your ballot?

If your answer to ALL the above questions is YES, please call 1-833-742-4062. An audit representative would like to speak with you.
Read 10 tweets
Jul 23rd 2021
Mute now if uninterested in a few gem quotes from #IALONECANFIXIT by @CarolLeonnig @PhilipRucker

First one:

“‘What’s a coronavirus?’ Trump asked.”
January 2020:

“We need to bring a czar in, like Ron Klain was for Ebola,”


*Narrator says: “If only…
“As Fauci spoke, White House trade adviser Peter Navarro was incredulous.” 😐

Read 23 tweets
Jul 15th 2021
STUNNING in race decided by 10,457 votes

3,981 voted despite registered AFTER Oct 15 deadline

11,326 voted who were NOT on rolls on Nov 7 but WERE on Dec 4

18,000 voted and then were removed from rolls AFTER election

74,243 mail-in ballots w/ NO evidence of ever being sent

74,243 mail-in ballots discovered in Maricopa County "where there is no clear record of them being sent"


"Some interesting things related to the voter rolls..."

11,326 people VOTED in the election but did not appear on the voter rolls on Nov 7th but DID show up on Dec. 4th
Read 5 tweets
Jun 19th 2021
The AZ Super-Ninja frauditors are getting serious about security, moving voting data to the Batcave in the Montana fastnesses (actually, since they're Republicans, it's the Ratcave). Although that "unsupervised driver" is worrisome. Crazing. @washdems 54/
.@CharlesPPierce also brings us some more un/savory details of an assertion that the Italian military had used its satellite technology to do something or other to elections in NM, as unlikely as that sounds. Isn't Area 51 in NV? Crazing. @washdems 55/
Craquelure du jour. Talk radio show host bails. 56/
Read 63 tweets
May 22nd 2021
Defeated in over 60 lawsuits across the country including SCOTUS, the former guy is now pushing Big Lie “audits” (shall we say “fraudits”) in select states with corrupt politicians, and conducted by his cult members with the goal of shoring up the Big Lie with these fraudits. 1/
Having been personally through scores of financial audits conducted by professional independent public accounting firms who are bound by professional auditing standards and engaged by the appropriate governing board of the entity being audited, I can categorically say

these fraudits are about as useful as used toilet paper, but the former guy will point to them and say “look see, there’s voter fraud”! And I have a Trump Tower in Moscow to sell to anyone who believes it.

Read 5 tweets
May 15th 2021
Len Blavatnik's (Access Ind) N761LE 5/11-5/12/21 London-Miami
Blavatnik's N600EB 5/11/21 London-HPN-Stewart Int

"British Telecom is in talks to sell a stake or all of its sports-broadcast division. Potential bidders include Len Blavatnik-backed DAZN"… ImageImageImage
Len Blavatnik's (Access Ind) N761LE 5/14/21 Miami-LA
Bkavatnik's N600EB 5/13-5/14/21 Stewart Int-HPN-LA

"A Soviet-Born Billionaire Is Buying Influence at US Institutions. Anti-Corruption Activists Are Worried."…
Stephen Schwarzman's (Blackstone/Trump/RDIF) N113CS 5/14-5/15/21 West Palm Beach-Nantucket (~2h 30m)-WPB

Read 252 tweets
May 7th 2021
This'll likely get me banned on Twitter but we've all been on borrowed time for a while. Might as well speak the truth if we're going to speak here at all.

The routers currently being illegally withheld from the #ArizonaAudit are very likely the smoking gun of election fraud.
The claim that releasing virtual images of the routers to secured, certified professional forensic auditors would put law enforcement lives in danger is a bald-faced like.

It is lunacy prima facie.

They hope we're as stupid as they think we are. That's all there is to it.
No lives would be put in danger by letting limited professional forensic auditors examine routers. Period.

What is on the routers that has them making up such blatant, mind-numbingly stupid lies?

You all know the answer whether you admit it or not.

This is a smoking gun.
Read 5 tweets
Apr 26th 2021
Breaking: #ArizonaAudit attorneys are set to ask a Maricopa County Superior Court judge to close Monday’s court hearing to the public and the media. The Arizona First Amendment Coalition, which represents media outlets and journalism organizations Will oppose this move in court.
Among the arguments from #cyberninjas attorneys is that they have trade secrets regarding the #ArizonaAudit, which should not be revealed to the public. They also argue that because they are working for the Arizona Senate, they are not required to make their documents public.
The attorneys for #ArizonaAudit want to file the plans to ensure the security of the ballots and election machines, as well as their plan for abiding by state election laws, under seal. That means those plans cannot be scrutinized by the public or critics.
Read 3 tweets
Apr 15th 2021
USAF 09-0625 MC-12W Liberty BNCR61 4/15/21 ISR mission over Baghdad, Iraq, LIVE

Something's up in Baghdad. Normally 09-0625 flies missions near Ramadi, NW of Baghdad, and at Syrian border. Image
Tom Barrack's (Chair of Trump's inaugural cmte) N284CC 4/11-4/12/21 LA-Paris 4/13/21 Paris-Nice (~20m)-Beirut 4/14/21 Beirut-Pisa

Probably stopped in Pisa to see his friend Flavio Briatore

ICYMI: Barrack and Manafort had vacation with Briatore Aug 2016
Alexander Mashkevich's M-AAAL 4/14/21 West Palm Beach-Punta Cana

M-AAAL's second visit to WPB in five weeks

"Trump, Russia & a Shadowy Business Partnership. Bayrock/Sater/Arif/Mashkevich/Trump"…
Read 255 tweets
Feb 13th 2021
Sean Hannity's (Fox "News" propagandist) N329PK 2/12-2/13/21 Republic-Willow Run Airport near Detroit (~40m)-Conroe, TX
Mike Lindell's (#MyPillowGuy) N497SP 2/13/21 LA-Lufkin (~15m)-Conroe

What/who is in Conroe? N329PK has been there at least once before
Sean Hannity's (Fox "News" propagandist) N329PK 2/13/21 Returned to Republic after ~15h 15m landing in Conroe, TX

Mike Lindell's (#MyPillowGuy) N497SP is still in Conroe.
This is the first time I've seen Lindell's plane in Conroe, Hannity's been once b4.
Oops... Forgot the screenshot from the above tweet😊

Sean Hannity's (Fox "News" propagandist) N329PK 2/13/21 Returned to Republic after ~15h 15m landing in Conroe, TX

Mike Lindell's (#MyPillowGuy) N497SP is still in Conroe.

Read 278 tweets
Feb 10th 2021
Alexander Mashkevich's M-AAAL 2/7-2/8/21 Kazakhstan-Bangor-Ft Lauderdale 2/9-2/10/21 Ft Lauderdale-Kazakhstan, en route

Ft Lauderdale is 46 miles (50 minutes) from West Palm Beach🤔
ICYMI: Alexander Mashkevich’s M-AAAL was in D.C 1/19-1/21/17.
Trump’s inauguration was 1/20/17.
(see the tweet above this one)
VP-BGM (opr by Elitavia) 2/10/21 Moscow-Reykjavik-HPN, en route

BGM🤔Bagman? Is Dumb Jr. getting visitors from Moscow?😉😁
VP-BGM operates from Moscow. It has a curious logo on its tail. Maybe someone recognize it and we'll find out the owner. ImageImageImageImage
Read 275 tweets

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