Pg 1: As #McCarthy chips away at holdouts in congress, know this; those republicans who held out and then gave in, most likely compromised their demands because they got something individually good for themselves (typically money related) not the nation.
Pg 2: This is what defines a Republican vs a Democrat and conservatives vs liberals. Democrats put ideology and party first, & what’s best for the nation last. Republicans put money, ego & party first, & what’s best for the nation last.
Jun 14, 2022 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
To all the members of Republican and conservative groups around the country. Next time you go to your meetings and give your time and money to a speaker, ask yourself afterwards “what did we get out of this?”
If it was simply an opportunity to meet someone who is close to Trump, or because it was someone who is a conservative celebrity, then you need to come back to reality and realize a few things:
1. We are in the fight of our lives for the future of this nation.
Aug 12, 2021 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Judicial system milestone; @JudgeClayJ (Clay Jenkins) has legislated from the bench and appeared tonight on communist network @CNN@andersoncooper show to dole out leftist ideological propaganda to the court of public opinion. He should be removed from the bench immediately!
If this elitist leftist judge cared at all about #COVID19 and the people of Texas, he would be blocking the @JoeBiden administration from allowing the flood of illegal (Covid positive) immigrants entering across Texas’s border.
May 14, 2021 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
@POTUS 1of8 This is by far the most disturbing, fascist, and dictatorial statement an American president has ever made.
Plain and simple, America’s response should be NO!
@POTUS 2of8 The mask issue for many people was never a hill to die upon. It was annoying but not in an oppressive way. Until incompetent medical “experts” and worthless power hungry politicians decided to make it that way.
Feb 23, 2021 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
.@naomirwolf I agreed with you 99% on @TuckerCarlsonshow with one exception, this has not happened quickly, it’s just advanced it’s pace from a crawl, after WWII, to a walk during Bush 41, to a run after 9/11/2001. Now we have reached the edge of the cliff of tyranny.
In the 1980’s #YuriBezmenov lectured on the dangers of an open society and how easily it could be subverted. Applying what he warned about subversion, the structured journey towards tyranny (totalitarianism) can be traced back to at least the 1940’s perhaps even further back.
May 28, 2020 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
@jack We already have the only “fact checker” we need, it’s called the First Amendment.
@jack Facts aren’t always truth as science and socialists prove everyday.
Your company has become one of the three main ways people communicate in the world (face to face, cell phone, social media) therefore it should be regulated by the constitution, not you.
Mar 19, 2020 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
Watching @NYCMayor bad mouth @realDonaldTrump because he has no idea what to do. He wants the president to do his job because @nycgov was not prepared for a real event. For years NYC’s preparation for emergencies have been minimized and full of smoke and mirrors.
So far @NYCMayor has called for the military at least a dozen times. There is no need for the military. There is no chaos in the street. The truth is, NYC has no goods for the hospitals because NYC isn’t prepared. The military isn’t a virus fighting force. Sorry DeBlasio