Comp. Chemist | CEO @MolForecaster | Canadian 🇨🇦 | Montrealer | Sports fan | all opinions are my own.
May 23, 2020 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Honest question: how many of the rushed papers for #COVID19 drug predictions have led to experimental testing and subsequent promise? I've heard the "reason" that docking-only and AI-only papers are being pumped out is because we need solutions to the pandemic, and fast. 1/n
It's now been 3-4 months since a lot of that work started being published, and where has it got anyone? Have wet-labs picked up the ongoing stories of 1M, 100M, 600M docked molecules and tested any of them? How about the "AI discovers potential inhibitors of this or that"? 2/n