John Tasioulas Profile picture
Director @EthicsInAI. Professor of Ethics + Legal Philosophy, University of Oxford. Senior Research Fellow @BalliolOxford.
Sep 15, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
One of the most insidious forms of intellectual corruption is that of basing one’s political philosophy on the contingent fact of existing legal standards. The most egregious example may be the idolatry of the US constitution - an example with massive influence elsewhere. A peculiar phenomenon this has thrown up is the public lawyer as some kind of self-styled philosophical oracle.
Apr 16, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
One thing worth looking at is how background ethical commitments, often not explicitly articulated because taken to be “obvious”, have framed the public health response to #COVID19 in different countries. 1/4 For example, could it be the initial U.K. strategy of “herd immunity” reflected a utilitarian aggregative approach to the common good combined with a characteristically liberal reluctance to let the state curtail everyday liberties? 2/4