Keyser Soze Profile picture
Former PM of $1+ billion; not offering investment advice; my inv positions may change w/o notice. All posts are my opinion. Will never accept/charge $. DYODD
FG Profile picture uncommon sense Profile picture Stephen Leung Profile picture 3 subscribed
Aug 23 4 tweets 2 min read
Tons of haters of my thesis on $NMM (and AF, the CEO) over the years. But I called the thesis EXACTLY right (timing was longer than expected). This guy has a lot of followers but was COMPLETELY WRONG and called people like me” disingenuous” & “pumpers”. 😂
Again, I will reiterate: a new part of my investment process is honing in on the holdings I post about that get the most “big follower” Twitter accounts trashing it/me 😂 Pure gold to see the overwhelming negative consensus on here.
Jul 28 10 tweets 4 min read
$DBG.V / $DBLVF MRE update:

At 5+ billion lbs of Cu Eq (WITHOUT THE SC) at a Cu Eq grade of ~0.37% (WITHOUT THE SC) the Hat is already among the largest Cu deposits in Canada & is average in grade. Flat topography, open pit in great BC jurisdiction. 👇

The final Sc metallurgy is still pending. Once it is final, the value of the Sc will at least double if not more than triple the value of the contained metals in this deposit. This would result in a Cu Eq grade of ~1% Cu Eq & more underground tonnage being added to the resource.
May 22 5 tweets 3 min read
Very cheap pre-MRE jrs w/ large tonnage & good grades/jurisdictions:

$DBG.V - likely ~2+ b tons 1%+ Cu Eq
$GOT.V - possibly 100+ m tons 5+ g/t Au
$PEX.V - possibly 1+ b tons 0.5%+ Cu Eq

$PMMCF - possibly 500+ m t ~1% Cu Eq

Rare combinations IMO

(eventual tonnage) Credit where credit is due:

@OriginalBraila recently pointed out GOT.V and its billion dollar potential

@D438558409 did the same with DBG.V a few years ago
Mar 22 5 tweets 2 min read
It’s amazing how many people miss the forest for the trees. AtlantaFed is back down to ~2% estimated GDP growth w/ FT employment peak & LT inflation expectations in a declining trend despite wartime like deficits & 2 of largest 3 wealth bubbles in history not having popped yet!

Credit default cycle coming up…
Mar 3 8 tweets 5 min read
Putting it all together: it should be glaringly obvious what is happening in the capital markets right now. It should also be obvious where the best forward returns will likely be generated.

It took some of the largest speculative bubbles (over a decade in the works) + blow off fiscal stimulus splashing against a multi-year supply chain shock to generate the temporary spike in inflation ‘21-‘23. All bubbles pop & all popped bubbles lead to dis/deflation. Gold is king

Sep 28, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
When one looks to determine what a share is actually worth in comparison to market price, one needn’t spend days creating the false precision of an ibanker DCF. If the value is not obviously clear from a cursory review, the stock is not cheap enough to be worthy of your DD time… … what’s also essential is understanding that the FUTURE IS UNCERTAIN so there’s actually a probability tree w/ different fair values at each branch not a stagnant single value for the stock. One needs to handicap these rough values/key value drivers/probabilities…
Sep 19, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Best performing tanker stock over the past 6 months? It’s not:
Apr 19, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
And this is a gift to get a 3rd chance to prepare your portfolio for the bear market/recession ahead (notice what the SPY did after “2nd chance”👇). If you didn’t listen to me the last 2 times... Unlike permabears, also notice that I wasn’t hedged at all near the recent Oct lows. ImageImageImage For those not paying attention, I ended 2022 up massively (after massive years in ‘20 & ‘21 where I was hardly or not at all hedged). EG 👇

I’m up ~10% YTD in 2023 although down significantly from my YTD highs.
Mar 19, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
@ed_fin @christankerfund Right here bud @christankerfund More shares than ever and an account that’s near ATH. Funny how a diversified portfolio of dirt cheap investments gets me to ATH consistently even when several of my highest conviction ideas languish for quarters or years.
Mar 18, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Time to talk about #gold. Gold does well during destabilizing deflations/depressions as real interest rates fall. It is a time tested (longest used currency) store of value (supply grows slowly due to mining activity). Gold is likely to burst to new all time highs as Fed panics. One can physically own gold (always advised) or can own a fund that can be redeemed in gold (eg $PHYS ) or own precious metal streamers (eg $FNV) or own miners. Streamers are expensive now though and miners as a whole have a very bad LT return track record: Image
Mar 18, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
World will be significantly short # of tankers needed for what will be record WW oil demand over the next 3-5+ years (outside of ST hit from global recession). Mid-sized tankers (Suez/Afra) especially (sanctions).

Party’s just beginning.

(The “uninvestable” crew) Although all 3 CURRENTLY have suboptimal capital allocation (low/no dividends), none of them have made materially value destructive actions in the past few years. Shareholder returns will come as we are early in the tanker cycle. Too cheap!

Insider ownership is ~22%, ~12% & ~39%
Mar 7, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Aside from Andy’s independent quotes, uninformed bashers fail to address need for a “dump” for something to be a mgmt pumpndump.👇 CEO has not sold in YEARS & has no exit liquidity event (>30%!) but for a buyout. What benefits him is long-term substance not short-term hype. Image Agreed
Mar 5, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
Best risk-adj returns are often from investments with a lot of “hair”/“warts”/“red flags”, exactly why they are so cheap to buy! While many can indeed be fatal/frauds, the SKILL is the ability to see beyond bias/groupthink & identify rare opps where issues are not fatal/frauds. Image I’ve certainly made mistakes over decades. But a somewhat diversified portfolio of uncorrelated ugly ducklings has been my best source of alpha.

The groupthink fakers on here who post about only the obvious surface issues but can’t generate verifiable alpha should be ignored.
Mar 5, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
You should ask the people you follow if they have ever been paid by anyone for their posts or paid by any companies they have touted.

I have never been paid by any of the companies I post about. I have never been paid for any of my posts. I have nerve charged a subscription fee. No “finders fees”, no warrants, nada.

I just clip away massive investment returns every year. The portfolio is constantly at or neat all time highs.
Feb 22, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read

My Current Top 3 Ideas (Alphabetical)


What do they have in common?

1) Base businesses likely worth 2x-3x+ current value.

2) Free options w/ better than coin flip odds of making them 5x-10x+. 2/n

DBG has drilled sufficient tonnage at slightly below average Cu/Au grades for the Golden Triangle to be worth a few hundred million at some point.

+ It has 3-4 billion ton potential based on its 3DIP, which is massive compared to most.

+ Economic Sc/Co recovery
Feb 22, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
1/n “EUR ING Andrew Carter B.Sc. CEng. MIMMM, MSAIMM SME of Coffey, Tetra Tech noted “Even at moderate recoveries, the HAT deposit has the potential to meet international demand for scandium for the foreseeable future…” 2/n “As scandium is a by-product of a waste stream, recovery is not the fundamental driver, cost is. If it can be demonstrated that scandium can be recovered at an acceptable cost, then scandium has the potential to add significant value to the HAT deposit…”
Feb 6, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Very few understand what just happened here. $DBG.V / $DBLVF… So, half as valuable per gram as gold?

“Scandium phosphate is a high value product that currently trades for approximately $35 per 1 gram lot, in comparison to gold which currently trades at approximately $60 per gram.”

Jan 18, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read

✅ Patented chemistry & DaaS biz
✅ Recent $2+ b/10 year contract to Top 3 NA frac fleet w/ guaranteed min rev & profit margin (in exchange for ~40% interest); likely to vastly exceed min
✅ Other businesses growing too
✅ Near-term flip to + EBITDA on ~450% yoy rev growth ImageImageImageImage ✅ ~$1 m in insider buying since Aug ‘22.
Jan 16, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Jan 16, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read

Time to reflect on full cycle:

US just ended a ~12 year bull market that was among largest in history for duration/amplitude (ex-COVID).

This bull market began off of only slightly below average valuation multiples ‘09, as Fed policies interrupted typical full reset… 2/n

This bull market ended with speculative excess blow offs in real estate, tech, SPACs, IPOs, crypto/NFTs, Fed policy errors of too loose monetary policies.

US stock valuations remain extremely high (hidden by profit margin bubble) even after ~1 year of bear market.
Dec 21, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Playing offense & aggressively trading around a bit as accounts break out to ATH.

I am deep into oil again with my top positions👇 in very cheap (controversial) co’s w/ NT catalysts. May take a big L on 1-2 but using diversification.

$TAL.V $FEC.TO $VLE.TO $PANR.L $NOL.OL $PANR.L is a speculative bet solely on oil flows, decline rates and ultimate economic recovery or not.

$VLE.TO has heightened risk until the current acquisition actually closes.

$FEC.TO has some exploration + Colombia risk.

$TAL.V has Peru risk.

All 5x++ if successful though.