James Paul Profile picture
Ní neart go cur le chéile 🇨🇮
The Duke of Eccleston 🇿🇦🇱🇸 Profile picture Still Learning Profile picture big research Profile picture Dave:369 Profile picture Alice In Wonderland Profile picture 20 subscribed
May 24 27 tweets 10 min read
The Flat Earth & The Devil's Greatest Trick

The flat earth theory has gained considerable momentum in recent years. However, while truthers may believe they possess secret knowledge, the real truth is that this is exactly what the Luciferian elite want them to believe.
THREAD🧵 Image The New World Order is fast approaching. But, contrary to popular truther belief, this does not entail the physical enslavement of humanity. The true agenda of the elite is spiritual deception in the form of their 'Age of Aquarius'. Their Luciferian age of enlightenment. Image
Mar 31, 2022 28 tweets 11 min read
1/ The real Mark of the Beast
& the coming Luciferian Master Race.


.. Image 2/ Luciferian H. P. Blavatsky believed in a kind of spiritual elitism, with different groups on earth being at varying stages of spiritual evolution. Some she claimed, are highly advanced souls ready to evolve into divine beings. While others it seems, have no souls at all. Image
Feb 12, 2021 25 tweets 9 min read
1/ The New Age of Aquarius World Order

Discussed in this thread;

•The imminent mass culling of humanity

•Why the Elites want 'Truthers' to survive this cull for the main event in 2025

•The coming Luciferian One World Religion
#plandemic Image 2/ The Theosophical Society was started by Helena Blavatsky in the late 1800's to lay the groundwork for the destruction of Christianity to be replaced by a new Satanic one world religion. Theosophists openly worship Lucifer who they refer to as the 'Light Bearer'.. Image
Nov 23, 2020 17 tweets 9 min read
The movie 'V for Vendetta' that everyone is saying resembles our current #plandemic reality was actually Hollywood programming us to follow the coming Antichrist. Image Just like in the Movie, the fake virus, #fakenews & over the top dracronian nonsensical restrictions we are now seeing are not intended to permanently enslave us...