How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App still seem unclear: If (as I'd thought) 🇮🇱retained control over whether/when pagers explode, the op could IN PRINCIPLE meet distinction demands, i.e. being directed against individuals reasonably taken to be mi objectives. It could avoid violating Art. 51 para 4 a) & b). the war crime, “intent to betray” is understood as “intent to kill or injure” (possibly capture) the adversary under the cover of the feigned protected status. Judge stresses that the #ICJ did not look at whether Israel's conduct is plausibly genocide. That is technically important, BUT by funding that the Palestinians' right to be protected from genocide is threatened, it implies as much. wir UkrainerInnern befragt wie sie die Kosten und Nutzen des Verteidigungskrieges gegen Russland abwägen. Die Ergebnisse sind eindeutig.