Jayne Flanagan Profile picture
Master of Public Health at UNSW. Co-founder @CovidSafeEdAus. Also run @ZEROcovid_edu. OT before COVID #learnMMT #SexMatters
Oct 28, 2024 20 tweets 8 min read
A lot of you are so badly wrong if you think the pandemic is over or it's nothing to worry about. Or, if you recognise the pandemic is ongoing and persist in sh*tty unmitigated activities that perpetuate transmission, then you are badly wrong-headed. What's wrong with you?? ...1/ Image If the price of admission to your 'joyous' and/or 'important' event is: the risk of transmission (which has never not been a risk over the last few years); leading to the death or disablement of another (more often than not someone you'll never know); grief and heartache ... 2/ Image
Apr 21, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Many on the left have exposed themselves as unprincipled, wilfully ignorant, self-important conformists who've proven themselves incapable of practicing the progressive/collective values of empathy, fairness, equity & justice they claim to hold. thegauntlet.news/p/why-wear-a-m…
Image "As I alluded to above & have discussed in other pieces, the Nazi party rose to power in the wake of the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic that carried a long tail of disability and illness. In 2020, CNN noted that, “the relative impact of the flu was correlated to strength in support...
Oct 31, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
A phone conversation with my GP this am left me feeling very disheartened: she works at a health service at a major Sydney Uni; staff still wearing baggy blues (from reports - haven't had an in-person appointment since Jan as I knew their protections were inadequate); she... 1/ wasn't aware of air quality measures; when I expressed my very legitimate concern about attending in-person appointments she went on to say that she's concerned about my 'profound anxiety', 'COVID is going to be here for a long time yet, like the flu, 'do I want to see a... 2/
Jul 11, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
Dr David Berger's intelligent, humanistic commentary on the deadly, 'let it rip' establishment groupthink around COVID has truly been a tonic to me. One of the first people on twitter that made me feel like I wasn't crazy for advocating for elimination - which is... 1/ & has been the bog standard public health approach to infectious diseases control across the ages - or for feeling rage, fear, despair, incredulity at the actions of our governments & increasingly the public.

Like many others, he has steadfastly advocated for Zero COVID... 2/
Aug 1, 2020 10 tweets 7 min read
“It’s unsafe and irresponsible to reopen schools in non-green zones”

Keeping open schools in non-green zones, as is the case in Australia currently, is unsafe & irresponsible.

#get2zero #lockdownNSW #elimination #SchoolsMustShutdown #JustRecovery #covid19nsw #covid19VIC #MMT Australia is currently a red zone, VIC, - NSW is likely on the same trajectory if policy makers continue to resist implementing effective measures - have dangerously high numbers of community transmission. Schools should not be open.