Jayne Flanagan Profile picture
Master of Public Health at UNSW. Co-founder @CovidSafeEdAus. Also run @ZEROcovid_edu. OT before COVID #learnMMT #SexMatters
Apr 21 4 tweets 1 min read
Many on the left have exposed themselves as unprincipled, wilfully ignorant, self-important conformists who've proven themselves incapable of practicing the progressive/collective values of empathy, fairness, equity & justice they claim to hold. thegauntlet.news/p/why-wear-a-m…
Image "As I alluded to above & have discussed in other pieces, the Nazi party rose to power in the wake of the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic that carried a long tail of disability and illness. In 2020, CNN noted that, “the relative impact of the flu was correlated to strength in support...
Oct 31, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
A phone conversation with my GP this am left me feeling very disheartened: she works at a health service at a major Sydney Uni; staff still wearing baggy blues (from reports - haven't had an in-person appointment since Jan as I knew their protections were inadequate); she... 1/ wasn't aware of air quality measures; when I expressed my very legitimate concern about attending in-person appointments she went on to say that she's concerned about my 'profound anxiety', 'COVID is going to be here for a long time yet, like the flu, 'do I want to see a... 2/
Jul 11, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
Dr David Berger's intelligent, humanistic commentary on the deadly, 'let it rip' establishment groupthink around COVID has truly been a tonic to me. One of the first people on twitter that made me feel like I wasn't crazy for advocating for elimination - which is... 1/ & has been the bog standard public health approach to infectious diseases control across the ages - or for feeling rage, fear, despair, incredulity at the actions of our governments & increasingly the public.

Like many others, he has steadfastly advocated for Zero COVID... 2/
Aug 1, 2020 10 tweets 7 min read
“It’s unsafe and irresponsible to reopen schools in non-green zones”

Keeping open schools in non-green zones, as is the case in Australia currently, is unsafe & irresponsible.

#get2zero #lockdownNSW #elimination #SchoolsMustShutdown #JustRecovery #covid19nsw #covid19VIC #MMT Australia is currently a red zone, VIC, - NSW is likely on the same trajectory if policy makers continue to resist implementing effective measures - have dangerously high numbers of community transmission. Schools should not be open.