How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App have 2.6TW of projects sitting in transmission queues (14% are pretty solid projects). For about $10B of investment we can unlock 30% more capacity from the existing grid to unlock 300GW+ projects quickly. These GETs/conductor/flexibility investments can help reduce overall system costs for ratepayers + improve grid outcomes if they’re pursued, and they can be paid for w/new cost allocation or financing mechanisms. Should not just accept the norm that all grid investment costs are socialized. we have over $15b of loan requests in the Loan Programs Office. So as a result we have down some substantial digging on it would take for the industry to succeed. Part of that was self-confidence and investor interest so we have tried to generate that.“In 2022, solar photovoltaics made up 4.7% of U.S. electricity generation” has over 75,000 Powerwalls deployed that can provide 300MWs if properly compensated. As a comparison the entire island has less than 100MWs of reserves today. The market has been installing 3,500 systems per month. data that Vero talked about is summarized here. We have long known that LMI customers repay energy related loans at a much higher rate then other loans that they take out. But lenders still charge 30% interest for appliances, other loans.… Pathways to Commercial Liftoff: Advanced Nuclear report found that the U.S. will need between 550-770 GW of additional clean, firm power to complement the deployment of variable renewables in order reach net-zero by 2050.