Jim Cornelius Profile picture
Tried to save the world from stupidity. I failed. Belief in stupid sh!t is worse than ever. Associate Fellow of the Dept for Educating Real Plonkers (DERP).
Dame Chris🌟🇺🇦😷 #RejoinEU #FBPE #GTTO🔶️ Profile picture Jay Jernigan Profile picture Fionna O'Leary, 🕯🇪🇺 Profile picture Hugh Sainsbury #FBPE @HughSainsbury@mastodon.green Profile picture Mark Wintle Profile picture 7 subscribed
Mar 3, 2023 24 tweets 26 min read
@studleyman @FonsDK @elonmusk That's a myth, and it is very very easy to demonstrate that it is a myth, but you'll have to be patient because it will take several tweets to explain this.
When I'm done ask yourself why you chose to believe this fake story about Rockefeller with no evidence to support it. @studleyman @FonsDK @elonmusk Today the word fossil is associated with fossilised teeth/bone/shells etc. These objects have undergone a transformation, known commonly as fossilisation but specifically permineralisation. All of the organic material has been replaced with silica or other minerals. ImageImage
Nov 7, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read

The Courier. Spoiled by bad subtitles

Less than 10mins in and at least 3 times the subtitles have been wrong

Left: Anton Lesser is saying "Why let us in?" not "why they toss him?"

Right: Benedict Cumberbatch is saying ".. dozen lathes .." not "... dozen lace ..". Here Anton Lesser is saying "Let's hear him out" not "Let's get him out".
Oct 18, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read

So, some people seem surprised that not many "local people" want to take jobs picking fruit and veg. I don't know why they're surprised because in the past farmers didn't rely on local people, they relied on itinerant workers

So not local people, but travelling people i.e. 2/4

.. in other words, gypsies.
Sep 10, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
What’s this thing that’s popped into the top of my Twitter I’m my iphone? What’s this?
Aug 4, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
@TalkingPicsTV IMDB used to have a forum where you could ask a question saying you remember some scene from a film, give a vague description of it, and some clever cliffs would say “Ah .. that’s the movie [whatever].”

I have such a question. I know it’s a British 50/60s film. Where do I go these days?
Oct 30, 2020 10 tweets 5 min read
UK-Japan CEPA again.

The DTI have published this guide. A few points.

Obviously, first of all, it's not "reduced" as from now to Dec 31, it's 0% due to the EU EPA. So there's no reducing going on.

But what's this here?

Udon noodles, Pocky etc.


1/5 Lets' do Pocky first.

It's licenced and manufactured in Europe by Modelez as Mikado.

It's made in France.

Jun 2, 2020 105 tweets 86 min read
We've been doing Zoom quizzes over the last few weeks and I do Only Connect rounds. I've got the Hieroglyph's and music and everything. I thought I'd share some questions from previous weeks.

For most fun only look at the images one as a time.

So ... let's play 'Only Connect'! Q1: What's the connection?
Jan 6, 2020 8 tweets 85 min read
@illiberalundems @transferdicky @4114nJ @ProUdin2016 @albenito @SpartanEdgeX28 @pdp8l @legallyginge @07glen @sinkaspud @secularhitchens @ashman06 @Kasuutta @DeightonSue @KFeathers7 @moe_180 @mary_loritz @PFr1end @Lava_Louisa @TomGardiner7 @JayEmm59320341 @rossimone77 @ch99085464 @Chunkyferryman @AndyDavidson14 @lovenodeal @Nigeishere @DaveHighway1 @eldis60 @SGTVance @Leon_SFrench @funlovingNicole @JRH56536449 @Lescash1968 @rec777777 @jonash2002 @ChrisJC12002 @gtmac786 @brexit_dr @troskinny @damienXTR @SargeantJohn1 @davidking732 @Le_Saboteur_ @ScroogeMcgruel @rauhansotilas @JackJac51371973 @Undercover_mole @Aspie66 @Chris_Leigh_UK The first quoted para is saying that EU tariffs on ag goods are higher than non-ag goods (everything else), not that they are high per se.

All countries predominantly protect agriculture more than industrial products.

Compare EU with Switzerland which protects ag even more. Image @illiberalundems @transferdicky @4114nJ @ProUdin2016 @albenito @SpartanEdgeX28 @pdp8l @legallyginge @07glen @sinkaspud @secularhitchens @ashman06 @Kasuutta @DeightonSue @KFeathers7 @moe_180 @mary_loritz @PFr1end @Lava_Louisa @TomGardiner7 @JayEmm59320341 @rossimone77 @ch99085464 @Chunkyferryman @AndyDavidson14 @lovenodeal @Nigeishere @DaveHighway1 @eldis60 @SGTVance @Leon_SFrench @funlovingNicole @JRH56536449 @Lescash1968 @rec777777 @jonash2002 @ChrisJC12002 @gtmac786 @brexit_dr @troskinny @damienXTR @SargeantJohn1 @davidking732 @Le_Saboteur_ @ScroogeMcgruel @rauhansotilas @JackJac51371973 @Undercover_mole @Aspie66 @Chris_Leigh_UK The reality is that Rees Moggs is mantra about "food, clothing and footwear" is nonsense.

Food: 90% of food imports come into the UK on 0% tariffs already. Image
Dec 3, 2019 13 tweets 4 min read

I couldn’t attend the climate change hustings in #Lewes last night, but I’ve heard a report of what happened.

Get this:

The incumbent Tory, @mariacaulfield didn’t attend claiming she was ‘busy’ and sent a surrogate in the form of a local Tory councillor at the last minute. 2/5

All candidates each gave an opening 4-minute statement. The Tory surrogate announced that she had not had sufficient time to peruse the questions and so would be leaving after making her statement. This prompted an audience member to shout out that she might we well go now.
Nov 11, 2019 13 tweets 10 min read
The @LewesGreenParty have chosen not to support the #RemainAlliance in Lewes constituency in East Sussex.

They believe they can win, partly based upon the District Council results in May.

To support that argument they posted this misleading meme.

I have annotated it. @LewesGreenParty The Lewes District Council results are available as a PDF here lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/_resources/ass…

I wrote some code in Node.js to extract the data from this PDF and put into CSV format so that it could be analysed.
Oct 23, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
As I understand it:

BJ's deal: EU tariffs will be applied to 'selected' as yet unknown goods crossing from GB into Northern Ireland. Goods deemed “at risk” of moving into the EU after entering Northern Ireland will be subject to the EU tariff, and potential rebate if they don't. However, should the UK and EU come to a Free Trade Agreement it's possible that none of those tariffs would apply. No guarantee of that FTA and also no guarantee that all those "at risk" goods would be zeroed, or without quotas.
Oct 8, 2019 19 tweets 9 min read

In the House of Commons today Michael Gove was talking about some 0% duties replacing current duties in a no-deal Brexit

He said (among other things which I'll deal with elsewhere) that there will be a 7% reduction in the cost of wine from Argentina.

Let's check, shall we? 2/

Here we go:

The tariff on bottled red wine containing less than 13% alcohol (CN 2204219811) from Argentina is shown here

The tariff within quota it is €10 per 100 litres.

Above quota it is €13.10 per 100 litres.

Oct 8, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
Gove talking bollocks.

The cheapest honey in this New Zealand online store is three times the price of the cheapest honey from Tesco. Cheapest honey in TESCO is 29.7p per 100g.

Converted to NZ$ that's NZ$0.57 per 100g.

Sep 27, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
I’ve just had a brick thrown through my window. Just finished cleaning up the kitchen and best I can. Glass everywhere. The brick hit my Google Home Hub and damaged the screen. I called 999 within seconds. But they can do nothing. Whoever did it was gone before I got to the door. Wife and myself stoic, but my son is very upset
Sep 26, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
The real reason for Brexit? Rachel Johnson reveals her suspicion that Boris Johnson's behaviour may down to pressure from investors who have invested billions in shorting the pound and the economy.

via @YouTube @YouTube Here's Boris Johnson's entry in the Register of Members' Interests. A list of donors as long as your arm, for huge sums. And a few speaking engagements.

For nine events, totalling of 21.5 hours he was paid ...

** £450,475.21 **

Sep 23, 2019 17 tweets 7 min read
On @Channel4News in an interview with @GaryGibbonBlog, Boris Johnson claimed that once out of the EU we can ban the sale of shark fin soup.

Shark finning was banned in the EU some years ago, but the trade in shark fins cannot be banned, due to WTO rules, not because of the EU. H/t to @Doozy_45 for providing the video.

Sep 20, 2019 37 tweets 15 min read

For a change, I thought I'd tweet about oranges.

From previous twitter threads people will know we import oranges from North Africa including Egypt & Morocco, from Israel and South Africa almost entirely tariff-free. But sometimes a leaver will ask.

What about the USA? 2/

Normally I do two things. I first point out that yeah Floridian oranges would be great ... if you don't mind oranges that have been sprayed with antibiotics banned in Europe and even Brazil.

Sep 11, 2019 15 tweets 6 min read

In 2013 FullFact published an article on the burden of EU regulations on business. They cited a report by Business for Britain with 3,580 regulations passed between 12 May 2010 to 30 Sept 2013. Around 600 on fruit and veg. People still quote this.

fullfact.org/europe/burden-… 2/

This is the report in question. Business for Britain trawled through the Official Journal of the EU flagging items they saw as burdensome to British business. I question the rigour of this study. Are all these references to fruit & veg really laws?

Aug 24, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Inchydoney beach, Clonakilty, Cork, Ireland.
Aug 13, 2019 5 tweets 3 min read

The 'no deal' tariffs set to zero lines covering 87% of imports by value. Some portion of that (I don't have the by value numbers but 26% of tariff lines) was already 0%.

However, many of the imports on current non-zero lines already come in on 0% due to several reasons. 2/5

Those reasons being ...

1. Imports from the EU
2. From FTA partners at 0%
3. From developing countries at 0%
4. Under a tariff-rate quota at 0%

5 On a 0% tariff rating anyway - not relevant as we're talking about non-zero tariff lines.
Jul 28, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
This is a total fraud. Neither the main anti-Brexit group in Lewes (@LewesEUnity), nor the @Lewes_Lib_Dems nor anyone else I know in Lewes had any idea this “public meeting” was taking place.

Who are these people who actually attended this?