John Papa Profile picture
Father and husband, Catholic, Disney fan, storyteller, educator, technology leader, Siena College grad.
lif3 Profile picture 1 subscribed
May 1, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
“Let’s not forget”

A JavaScript Thread 🧵

It’s easy to forget the trailblazing that jQuery and MooTools and others did back when the browsers had vastly different programming models and seemingly no intention of ever coming together.

1/n 🧵 Before these tools developer life for web folk like me involved a lot of conditional logic. If IE, if Netscape, if safari … and this translated into a few challenges. Companies had to decide if they wanted their apps to target all browsers or possibly just one or none!

2/n 🧵
Oct 5, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
Been using @vuejs 3 on a few projects and have some initial thoughts

1. Migration took less an hour. Guide is helpful. Wish the vue cli had an upgrade command tho

2. Refactoring to Composition api took more thinking.

Methods and computeds and watches were quick. Props too.

Data moved to refs mostly. Or reactive.

Sep 30, 2020 45 tweets 5 min read
Debate thread ahead

Trump and Biden fighting. Trump thinks if he says things over and over again, then it must be true.

Um, no.

#Debates2020 "Shut up man" - Biden to Trump

Trump can't stop interrupting. Somehow this is appealing ?

Same tact he took against Clinton
Aug 7, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Random thoughts on what I enjoy about today’s modern web frameworks

- compiled with minimal “lib” sent to browser
- minimal syntax
- convention over config
- strong ecosystem
- support for single file component
- functions over classes
- dev tools and Lang services

Previous tweet is Not in priority order.

Dev tools and Lang services are a must have. They must be excellent.

I’m also a fan of functions. Not against classes , but i prefer functions.

Jun 20, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
A massive pandemic plagues the globe. Doctors race for medication or a vaccine. As the govt and CDC realize they won’t be in time , some turn on those who are immune.

.../ The survivors band together in polar opposite camps. One camp puts their faith in hope. The other rallies behind a central charismatic figure who promises to bring back greatness.

Apr 1, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Today is the 7th @ngconf . We're all doing this remotely and I'm happy that we've pulled together as a community. We'll miss being there with people physically. But here's some things I am also going to miss:

1. The flowers outside the Grand America 🌷

1/n ImageImageImageImage 2. The beautiful courtyard at the hotel

2/n ImageImage
Jan 17, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
I love VS @code extensions. I'm close to releasing an alpha of that hides secrets in .env files.

1. command to hide secrets
2. command to show
3. command to toggle (with keybinding)
4. setting to customize what is affected

Thanks to @johnlindquist and @wesbos for the idea What other file types should I be testing?

I have .env and local.settings (@AzureFunctions ) now.
Jan 13, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
I've been using @paperlike on my iPad pro for a week for drawing with @Procreate. I have mixed feelings about the experience so far. I do like that it adds some resistance and more of a pencil/paper feel, but I also miss the smooth feel of the ipad glass with the pencil.

@paperlike @Procreate Maybe I spent too much time getting used to the pencil on glass feel.

But pencil on ipad glass does add scratches (even the they are subtle). So I'm going to give this a bit more time to evaluate the sketching experience.

Feb 1, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
RE: Drinking alcohol at tech conferences ...

No judgment zone ... I had a few conversations lately with some people who feel various ways about this topic. I fall on the side of those who don't drink (much) and do not feel comfortable at bar/after-hours events with alcohol

"You can just drink water and have fun". Yes, I can. But it's often not fun for me being in loud places, where it's hard to have a conversation (if at all), when I chose not to drink.

Jul 2, 2018 60 tweets 16 min read
Choosing the Right JavaScript Framework

Thanks for joining me @pluralsight to talk about javascript frameworks. We had 150+ awesome questions, so I'll try to answer the ones I couldn't get to online right here in a tweet stream

Watch the video -->… Q. Do arrow functions really make dealing with JavaScript's "this" keywords easier?

A. Yes! When using arrow functions, the scope of "this" is effectively passed in from the outer scope. See here in this REPL
