Johnny Akzam Profile picture
Just me in #MN01 "Never separate the life you live from the words you speak!"~Wellstone Filipino|Syrian #GeneralStrike #GND #JG #M4A #MMT #BlackLivesMatter
Aug 25, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
This racist attacking these innocent women is Esmi Upton of Plano, Texas. Full name: Esmeralda Armendarez-Upton, she is a realtor for California Federal Bank. She is a parishioner at Prince of Peace Catholic Church in Plano, TX.

She wants to be famous for all the wrong reasons. I just want to say, this made my blood boil just watching it, as I'm sure it does for most of you.

I don't know how those women stayed so calm after she put her hands on them and they had it on camera and could have rocked her world in self-defense.

Don't touch me! Nope!
Sep 16, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
#MMT was easy for me to grasp bc just prior to learning what Modern Monetary Theory is, I was telling my son that money, the U.S. Dollar, is nothing more than an arbitrary representation of value--that labor and the real resources it uses are how real value is created. /1 Value, in and of itself, is nothing more than a human construct placed on real resources (i.e. things) and the amount of work it takes to cultivate, manipulate, or fashion those things into other things for other humans. /2
Apr 13, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
I engage with people who show me respect. I respect people equally, until they give me reason to adjust their status.

I've had Bernie supporter friends turn out to be HORRIBLE human beings. I've had Trump supporters buy me lunch. /1 Now I have to contend with Trump supporters all around me, just like you do. Some support him, even tho they're really clueless to anything he's really doing bc they aren't involved in politics, don't watch the news, are busy working 2 jobs, etc. It's a burden for sure. /2