How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App add to all that this little chart: 2/ recognition should bring both empathy and humility. We have a right to be proud of our Constitution and diligent efforts to tame the Hobbesian beast. But we also would do well to acknowledge our many failures in that endeavor and many cruelties and injustices along the way. said, exit polls are certainly not perfect - there's quite a bit of art (the stratification algorithm, e.g.) to go with the science. But when we observe certain pervasive patterns (e.g., accurate for noncompetitive/nonsuspect races, red shift for competitive/suspect)...2/, for example, seizing on a touchscreen "crisis" to push "paper," while KNOWING that the computerized devices that will mark that paper for the voter are just another open invitation to rig. And like promoting the useless SEA act in place of the effective SAFE act. 2/ heads with ES&S and the Kemps of the world over this or that detail isn't going to get that done. It is necessary but not sufficient. We need a huge surge in public awareness and alarm - and a MINDSET SEA CHANGE. Stop expecting it to be done FOR us. Get in there and do! should be CAST in private and COUNTED in public - observably. It's really that simple. Instead, our computerized voting and counting system is DESIGNED FOR CONCEALMENT. 2/'s how it goes: 1) You take control of the voting equipment industry; 2) You exploit (or manufacture) a crisis in vote-counting (2000) to get virtually all votes counted on the computers you produce & program going forward; 3) You exploit that control to rig key elections; 2/