New Testament lecturer & theological educator @nblc1 #Lateantiquity research #chrysostom. He/him. Husband, father, coffee drinker. I always say yes to biscuits.
Feb 4, 2023 • 29 tweets • 5 min read
Recently 14 evangelical and Catholic CofE bishops released a statement on marriage, ahead of synod and following #LLF discussions. I have some issues with it… Get a coffee, and settle down for another thread. 1/
First, the document outlines Christian & secular understandings of marriage. By Christian, they mean Church of England, as outlined in the BCP. They note that the BCP mentions Eph. 5 – the mystical union that is betwixt Christ and his Church – in a couple of places. 2/
Feb 2, 2023 • 24 tweets • 4 min read
In advance of synod & #LLF discussions, some have tweeted this argument (summarised): Jesus condemned sexual immorality. Then, homosexuality was seen as sexually immoral. Therefore Jesus condemned homosexuality.
Settle down for a thread on why this argument is problematic. 1/
First, did Jesus refer to sexual immorality? Yes, Jesus did this a number of times. Matt. 5:32; Matt. 15:19 (parallel to Mark 7:21); Matt. 19:9; Mark 7:21. The Greek word being translated as sexual immorality (or fornication) is porneia (or its plural form). 2/