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Mar 17th 2023
A thread on #LLF, #keepingfaith and why so many evangelicals and orthodox people in the CofE now are #compelledtoresist. You may disagree with this position. But the current proposals for dealing with the fundamental disagreements we have are woefully inadequate. 1/8
As those who hold to the historic position of the Church, we in CEEC have found ourselves challenged about our past attitudes, the hurt that we have sometimes caused to LGBTQI+ people, and how we might become more biblically inclusive. 2/8
We therefore are grateful for much in the bishops’ pastoral letter. We agree the church must value LGBTQI+ people and be a place where everyone is welcome and we too apologise and repent for the times we have failed and continue to fail to love as God loves. 3/8
Read 8 tweets
Feb 4th 2023
Recently 14 evangelical and Catholic CofE bishops released a statement on marriage, ahead of synod and following #LLF discussions. I have some issues with it… Get a coffee, and settle down for another thread. 1/
First, the document outlines Christian & secular understandings of marriage. By Christian, they mean Church of England, as outlined in the BCP. They note that the BCP mentions Eph. 5 – the mystical union that is betwixt Christ and his Church – in a couple of places. 2/
From this they conclude that the whole marriage service connects together and turns on this analogy of bridegroom and bride with Christ and the Church. I think they’re laying it on a bit thick here but I’m not going to quibble. 3/
Read 29 tweets
Feb 2nd 2023
In advance of synod & #LLF discussions, some have tweeted this argument (summarised): Jesus condemned sexual immorality. Then, homosexuality was seen as sexually immoral. Therefore Jesus condemned homosexuality.
Settle down for a thread on why this argument is problematic. 1/
First, did Jesus refer to sexual immorality? Yes, Jesus did this a number of times. Matt. 5:32; Matt. 15:19 (parallel to Mark 7:21); Matt. 19:9; Mark 7:21. The Greek word being translated as sexual immorality (or fornication) is porneia (or its plural form). 2/
What does porneia mean? The roots of the word are linked closely to prostitution. For example, in Matt. 21:31, when Jesus refers to tax collectors and prostitutes, the word for prostitutes is pornai. For more information on the history of the word, see Harper (2012). 3/
Read 24 tweets
Nov 2nd 2021
Issues in Human Sexuality Live Read, by me. From 1991 (90 years after Havelock Ellis published Sexual Inversion, 30 years after Robert Wood's book calling for full inclusion). Is this the most contemporary Church of England account of sexuality prior to LLF?

Reprinted in 2003.
I'm not going page by page and line by line, especially because I speak an entirely different language to the writers - one in which I do not need to finish my sentences with quite random Bible verse quotes often unrelated to the real Content. #IssuesInHumanSexuality #drappissues
"In Genesis 2 the man, as a royal figure, has authority over the woman."

As a Royal Figure? 👑 WTF?

The man has authority because he gives her a name? 🧙‍♂️

It will take men away from their family homes. In all cultures? I think not.

#IssuesInHumanSexuality #drappissues
Read 65 tweets

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