Judge Roy Ferguson Profile picture
Texas Judge, speaker, mentor, storyteller. Tweets are personal--not on behalf of any court, group, or association.♥️≠ Agree. ░L░O░N░G░H░O░R░N░░I░N░░B░I░O░
Oct 10, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Comparing 2016 to 2023, lawyers are working longer hours, on more cases, with less down time. The avg lawyer works 25% more cases and generates 35% more billable hours. Hourly rates are up 28%, and the avg percent of work hours spent on billable matters is up 32%. (a🧵)
It's not out of financial desperation. In fact, the avg lawyer earns 75% more revenue for their firm than just 7 years ago. We're charging more, billing more and recovering more. But while revenues are high, expectations are higher (especially with the spread of AI tools). 2/3
Jun 27, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Prior inconsistent statements, refreshing recollection, and recollection recorded are done wrong more often than right. People fail to lay the proper predicate or know to object. Juries get tainted and lawyers miss out on great opportunities. Here are some pro (Texas) tips: 1/ On cross-examination, impeachment through prior inconsistent statement is incredibly effective. Most importantly, the contradictory statement is recited aloud for the jury (unlike refreshing) and the witness is forced to admit they were wrong or explain the contradiction. 2/
May 13, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
I've had represented parties lose at trial against self-represented litigants, always because they lied to their lawyers. My favorite was an old divorce case where the husband had a lawyer and the wife didn't.
He brought a lawyer.
She brought receipts.
(A fun story 🧵.) W barely spoke English but didn't want an interpreter. She wanted to communicate directly with me. The case went to trial with H seeking the house, his "separate property" business and building, and "all property in his name or possession," which he said was minimal. 2/
Feb 9, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Happy #LawyerCat day for all who celebrate!! Today is the 2nd anniversary of Lawyercat. To celebrate, here is the full and complete hearing from start to finish, with a few seconds at the end that you haven't seen! For the next year, may you all be here live and #NotaCat. It's fun to remember all of the celebrity joy to come from #lawyercat, including this gem from @MarkHamill.
Jan 20, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
My thoughts: This nonscientific poll contained binary and somewhat vague jury questions that force respondents to expose their biases by how they define, interpret, and respond to the questions. You were the jury venire. Thank you for joining in! Read on for a breakdown. a🧵1/14 The overriding goal of this poll was to expose common feelings that lead to gaps, omissions and weaknesses in common criminal voir dire. Think of these results not as statistics, but as potential jurors. We'll use a 75 member qualified venire for illustrative purposes. 2/14
Jan 19, 2022 16 tweets 2 min read
NON-LAWYERS! I'm curious about your thoughts. Please choose the best answer for all 13 questions, and be truly honest with yourself. (and RETWEET!)
"If I were a juror:"
1. I would be __________ if a defendant didn't tell their side of the story at trial. 2. When I see a really scary looking defendant on trial, I assume they probably did what they're accused of.
Dec 11, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
I see a lot of law students in #lawtwitter worried/freaking-out about their early grades and thinking it signals the end if a successful career before it even begins. A short thread about law school, lawyering and life. 1/ As I've said before, there is no single path to success as a lawyer. In fact, there's not even a single definition of "success." Some people want riches and the spoils. Some want to protect society, while others to defend the helpless. Most have no idea what they want. 2/