How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App is a subduction zone: the Pacific Plate is subducting below the Okhotsk Plate at a rate of ~9 cm/yr. The Okhotsk Plate used to be considered part of the North American Plate (even though it's in Japan!) but it actually moves slightly differently. started on Feb. 23, with a M3.8. Then, a few days later, a little microseismicity. plot has 4 parts: two earthquakes in areas with subucting slabs oriented in opposite directions. The rainbow lines above represent the depth to the plate interface (red = shallow, blue = deep). authors of the new paper ("A fault-based probabilistic seismic hazard model for Lebanon, controlling parameters and hazard levels") noticed that in Lebanon, many more events are recorded during the day than at night. have been many other earthquakes of M6.8+ in the broad area, but not so many at this depth - they are generally either shallower or deeper - and none specifically recorded near the latest epicenter. reported depth of the quake is ~65-70 km, which pretty closely matches the plate boundary fault. However, the focal mechanism shows that the quake does not represent slip along the plate boundary, but instead is likely caused by breaking of the sinking plate. choose every word carefully so it says exactly what they mean; technical words have precise meanings, and each one may refer to a whole field knowledge.