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Mar 14th 2023
Where have aftershocks been occurring in the last week? This map shows seismicity since March 6 (red) with earlier aftershocks (gray). Mapped faults are in blue.


The central part of the M7.8 (~Gaziantep) is pretty quiet now, and Hatay has only moderate seismicity.

Aftershocks are concentrated along the northern part of the ruptures, especially on the eastern (~Malatya) and western (~Göksun) ends.

The time series shows that, as expected, the aftershocks are slowly decreasing, with the largest events ~M5. Larger aftershocks are still possible but less likely every day.

Read 4 tweets
Mar 4th 2023
Hi! Want to get caught up on some of my past threads about the 2023 #TurkeySyriaEarthquake?

Here are some links.

1) A summary of the tectonic setting, published just after the first earthquake.

2) A discussion of why the shaking that people feel is different in different places...

3) ...and a great visual highlighting the importance of basin amplification.

Read 25 tweets
Feb 21st 2023
1/ Analysis of over around 120,000 thousand tweets on the hashtag #15minutecities and '15 minute cities' highlights clear polarisation on the topic with little 'mixing'. As others have pointed out, a fairly obvious right-wing and conspiracy orientated cluster are promoting it Image
2/ As you can see on the left, the amount of people promoting the conspiracy is huge. There is little interaction between those people and those debunking the conspiracy. The density of the cluster on the left indicates a fairly intense filter bubble Image
3/ Top tweets. The largest promoters of the conspiracy theory are dubious. The most retweeted was @ChildrensHD , an anti-vaccine propaganda outfit who have previously been accused of targeting black Americans with disinfo to promote vaccine hesitancy >… ImageImage
Read 12 tweets
Feb 19th 2023
This made me gasp.

Of course I knew that rock falls pose a hazard in earthquakes, but I've never seen anything like this.

But wait - that huge rock was there *before* the earthquake.


This photo from Google Earth from 2008 shows the big rock, but uncracked. Did it crack in the earthquake? Maybe, I don't know.

2/… Image
The location is close to the fault that slipped, and there must have been many rock falls both in the earthquake and in the past - perhaps in past earthquakes!

Read 8 tweets
Feb 18th 2023
This article provides some excellent descriptions of & graphics about the #TurkeySyriaEarthquake.

To clarify, however, the "fissure opened up by the quake" near Tepehan village is not a fault scarp but a landslide.

Maps comparing the scale of the faults to other land masses can be startling - at ~250 km, the M7.8 seems very long!

That's the reality of large earthquakes. The longest known earthquake rupture was the 2004 M9.1 earthquake: 1500 km.

Read 5 tweets
Feb 17th 2023
🧵1. This is an analysis of 30,000 tweets spreading disinformation about the #TurkeySyriaEarthquake . The #disinformation in question is the false story that 8-10 Western countries withdrew their ambassadors before the earthquake. The analysis indicates manipulation
2/ Dozens of identical tweets (see vid) were shared and retweeted thousands of times. They took aim at Canada, USA, Britain, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Holland and France. Not quite sure what the reason for this selection was. It may relate to the fact at least some of those
3/ countries had envoys summoned by Turkey after they temporarily shut embassies & issued security warnings following Koran-burnings in Europe. Anyway this was days before the Earthquake. The countries are in NATO, and all contribute a lot of assistance to Ukraine
Read 12 tweets
Feb 16th 2023
2023 Turkey Earthquakes Building Damage Assessment after Earthquake

Hatay Building Damage Assessment after Earthquake
Adiyaman Building Damage Assessment after Earthquake
Read 9 tweets
Feb 15th 2023
How do we measure shaking in an earthquake?

Magnitude measures the size of the quake - but how much shaking you feel depends on how close you are to the fault, the materials under your feet, and more.

Here is a map of shaking in the #TurkeySyriaEarthquake

Mostly, shaking is decribed by its "intensity". Intensities communicate what the shaking "feels like" and how it could affect structures in the area.

Explore intensities in the Feb 6 M7.8 earthquake here:…

Intensities are calculated by measuring shaking with seismometers. When shaking is very strong, only certain kinds of seismometers - those designed to record strong ground motions - will work: more sensitive ones clip, or go off scale.…

Read 18 tweets
Feb 12th 2023
🧵1) I downloaded all tweets since 6th February containing the word HAARP. It was way larger than I expected and I ended up without around 300k tweets across dozens of languages involving over 130k unique accounts! Read on for more #TurkeySyriaEarthquake #Disinformation
2) Firstly, why HAARP. Well, there's a conspiracy going around that HAARP - High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) (a former US program designed to investigate the ionosphere) is being used to weaponize weather, and even create earthquakes. Sound absurd right?
3) Nonetheless, tens of thousands have shared it on Twitter in dozens of languages, but mostly English, Turkish, Spanish, and French. Not everyone sharing it is agreeing with it, but the most shared tweets containing 'HAARP' support the conspiracy
Read 18 tweets
Feb 12th 2023
Her YouTube has been terminated.
Romanian Senator DIANA SOSOACA - #HAARP NOTE: #TURKEY supplies natural gas to many countries through their pipelines. This pipeline explosion has affected all of #Europe #NordstreamSabotage… #earthquaketurkey
HAARP has been active since early 2000. They used to be in Alaska only until Obama got into office. Then they went global because he gave the technology to the UN according to some sources.
What is this? The General Director of Risk Reduction in the Department of Natural Disaster Management in Turkey announced that the energy released by the earthquake was as powerful as the explosion of 500 atomic bombs like the one dropped on Hiroshima.
Read 23 tweets
Feb 10th 2023
We are heartbroken over the devastating #TurkeySyriaEarthquake this week. Natural disasters like this one can incite or resurface mental health conditions like trauma & PTSD, grief, depression, anxiety, and more. Don’t hesitate to seek support if you’re feeling the effects 💚
Experiencing a weather-related disaster can be traumatic. It can be difficult to process the experience of being in serious danger, loss of personal belongings, displacement, and other related forms of loss. Image
Natural disasters can also take the lives of loved ones, leading to large-scale loss and grief. Image
Read 6 tweets
Feb 10th 2023
We are not collecting clothing, blankets, or other items, as cash is the quickest, safest, and most flexible way to support our work in Türkiye (#Turkey) and #Syria right now.

Here's why ⬇ Can I donate items to Türkiye and Syria?
Donating cash means we can source things locally, transport them quickly, and help with whatever’s needed, where it’s needed.

It also means volunteers can focus on relief efforts as it takes time to sort, clean and transport items. ⬇ We aren't collecting items right now, as cash is the best wa
We understand not everyone’s able to give money right now, so there are still ways you can help with donated items.

Check locally with your local council to see if anyone is coordinating a collection. Or you could sell things online or offer items in return for a donation. ⬇ 3. Why aren’t you collecting items? - Items like clothing
Read 4 tweets
Feb 10th 2023
Una catástrofe como el terremoto vivido en #TurkeySyriaEarthquake, produce un impacto negativo en la #SaludMental en la población superviviente.
🚨💡¿Cómo afecta una catástrofe de esta naturaleza a la conducta suicida?
Entre variadas consecuencias sociales, económicas, políticas, humanitarias y sanitarias se encuentra el potencial efecto en el #suicidio
Este terremoto es un evento estresante que se convierte en un factor de riesgo de naturaleza ambiental-contextual
Tanto Turquía como Siria son países con una tasa de suicidio por 100.000 hab relativamente bajas. Ambos países registran cifras muy por debajo de la media mundial. En cualquier análisis hay que considerar los factores culturales intrínsecos de ambos países.
Read 16 tweets
Feb 10th 2023
Operation Dost | In the photo we can see a Turkish woman hugging a woman officer of the Indian Army in an earthquake-affected area of Turkey.

India is doing its best to save as many lives as possible in Turkey and Syria
#Turkey #TurkeySyriaEarthquake #OperationDost
Turkey and Syria have been devastated by a series of powerful earthquakes. The death toll has climbed more than 2,100 with several injured innumerable rendered homeless.
2/n Earthquake in Turkey has affected thousands of people.
Indian PM Narendra Modi on 6 Feb while speaking at an event in Bangalore stated that 140 Crore Indians are standing with the people of Turkey in this crisis.
Read 9 tweets
Feb 9th 2023
Newly available Maxar satellite imagery shows several hundred meters long surface rupture with horizontal displacements up to 4m near Nurdağı, Gaziantep province, Turkey.
Here's a zoomed out version. Gaziantep Province is fractured, literally. I will certainly post more images in the next few days. Let's pray for Turkey...
Read 5 tweets
Feb 9th 2023
Όλοι είμαστε συγκλονισμενοι με την τραγωδία σε Συρία και Τουρκία. Χάθηκαν τόσες ζωές, ορφανεψαν παιδιά, ξεκληριστικαν οικογένειες, κατά στράφηκαν κοποι μιας ζωής. Η ζωή δεν θα είναι πια η ίδια γι αυτούς τους ανθρώπους. Ρημαγμενες ψυχές! #TurkeySyriaEarthquake 👇
Η χαρά μας ανείπωτη για κάθε διάσωση! Κι όμως υπάρχουν χώρες που πολεμούν και αλληλοεξοντώνονται, χωρίς σεισμό αλλά για τα συμφέροντα των λίγων. Και όχι μόνο κάνεις δεν μεσολαβεί για να βρεθεί η λύση, αλλά το αντίθετο! Ρίχνουν ξύλα για να κρατήσουν αναμμένη την δολοφονική 👇
Φωτιά! Συνεχίζουν να στέλνουν οπλισμό για να μην τελειώσει ο πόλεμος. Και χάνονται παλληκάρια κι από τις δύο πλευρές. Παλληκάρια με σφριγος, υγειη, στην πιο παραγωγική τους ηλικία, με όνειρα, με έρωτες κι αγαπημένους που αφήνουν πίσω του με μαύρα ρούχα και μαύρη ψυχή! Άσκοπες 👇
Read 9 tweets
Feb 9th 2023
Syria, the Earthquake, humanitarian aid, sanctions. A long 🧵with facts and context:
1) While BLOCKING the UN from sending aid across Turkish-Syrian border, Assad's regime calls for lifting sanctions targeting human rights abusers, falsely claiming sanctions prevent humanitarian aid from reaching earthquake victims that Assad spent past 12 years bombing.
2) Obviously, Assad never cared to provide aid to Syrians, especially those residing outside of regime control. In fact, Assad systematically bombed hospitals, medics, & rescue workers, denied UN aid to those besieged by "Syrian" army, & vetoed use of border crossings for UN aid.
Read 24 tweets

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