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Oct 26, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
#GASEN: a *NEW* woman comes forward alleging Georgia GOP Senate candidate Herschel Walker drove her to a clinic "to have an abortion after she became pregnant as a result of her relationship w/ him." She'll speak later today at a presser, per release from attorney Gloria Allred.
Herschel Walker's statement, in part, to reporters in Georgia: "I'm done with this foolishness. I've already told people this is a lie & I'm not going to entertain, continue to carry a lie along ... the Democrats will do & say whatever they can to win this, to win this seat."
Jan 4, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
MORE on the Trump-Raffensperger call timeline, a source familiar tells me:
Secretary Raffensperger received the call from the White House at 2:41pm on Saturday, speaking for the first time after 18 previous attempts by Trump in the past 2 months since the general election. (1/x)
Officials within the SoS office recorded the call & Raffensperger made clear to advisers he didn’t want a transcript or audio released – unless Trump attacked GA officials or misrepresented the conversation
Asked by @KatyTurNBC about the politics of the group charged with planning to kidnap @GovWhitmer, @MIAttyGen said, “Obviously they traffic in the politics of extremism" and implicated President Trump who "seems to condone these types of actions." ➡️
.@KatyTurNBC: Were these suspects connected to the 2A rally we saw in front of the state capitol earlier this spring? @MIAttyGen: When you take a look at who was at that event & you cross reference it w/ names of the people that we've charged, you'll see many of them in fact were