KK Cheng Profile picture
Director, Institute of Applied Health Research, University of Birmingham @UoB_IAHR; Founding Professor of General Practice, #PekingUniversity
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Mar 11, 2020 9 tweets 4 min read
Issues on masks that the WHO should clarify.There's evidence on benefits for both source control (reducing droplet spread) and self protection. As surgical masks must be reserved for HCWs, #clothmasks could be the answer.
#COVID19 @news_ub @unibirmingham
go.shr.lc/38M5GVz Cloth masks are inferior to surgical masks but might reduce the R0 enough to ease the epidemic IF everyone wears one in crowded places (eg crowded trains). It could reduce transmissions by asymptomatic shedders in the community. A non immune form of "herd protection" (@gauden)