Kelly Lamrock Profile picture
Chief Comedy Officer at @comicsutrafton comedy club. Dig philosophy, sports, &80s music. Opinions are those of beloved 70s TV star Abe Vigoda. OK,they’re mine.
Jun 22, 2024 16 tweets 3 min read
I was sorry to hear of Mr. Irving’s passing this morning. It was a long life, fully and well lived, and until immortality is on the table for any of us there is much to celebrate in that. I have a story to share from one small part of his life that I got to observe. 🧵 Upon becoming the Minister of Education, J.K. asked to meet with me. This surprised me, because my was less obviously connected to his business than many. A mutual time was set and I had lunch with Mr. Irving at his office in Saint John.

The request was not what I expected.
Jun 24, 2022 17 tweets 3 min read
Today’s news from the US Supreme Court should make it clear: there is a global movement to change what “freedom” means.

Remember “My right to swing my arm ends at your face”?

Welcome to “My freedom is violated if I can’t punch you in the face.”

It’s just who gets to punch who. Nationalism creates a collective right to a certain culture. This concept of “freedom” means that individuals cannot be free to challenge the culture. Individuals of the majority culture must be “free” to limit and punish choices that alter the culture.
Sep 13, 2020 34 tweets 6 min read
As we head to the finish line in #nbpoli there are all sorts of guesses and interpretations of the polling we are seeing, and predictions. FWIW, here's what I'm looking at to get a sense of what to watch on election night. 1. First of all -- don't buy the posturing of those who say "polls mean nothing". If you use them right, you'll know more. What we remember as polling misses are usually (a) late trends that continued after polls went dark or (b) people mistaking the CW they remember for polls
Jun 19, 2020 20 tweets 4 min read
Been interesting watching justifications offered by some MLAs for voting against Bill 11, or the “vaccinate-if-you-wish-to-use-public-schools” bill. Obviously some want to find a pro-vaccine way to say no to this rule. Here’s why I find those arguments unconvincing. (Thread) 1. Some argue that they will enforce vaccines IF shown proof that the numbers threaten herd immunity (95%). It’s a tempting way to avoid making people mad, but...

Is it logical to say you support choice, but only until 6% make that choice, then you‘ll ban it?

An example....
Feb 15, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
Hey gang...quick story and life lesson. So, last night, my daughter Kayleigh played her last high school basketball game. Season didn’t end the way they wanted but, of course, for all but one team it ends with a loss. Of all the gifts the game of basketball gave me, the greatest was to share 13 years of learning it with my daughter. I’m going to miss the car rides, the practices, and watching her play.
Jun 11, 2018 12 tweets 4 min read
So, I’ve been asked by folks in #Nbpoli about this Brian Kenny interview today. Ministers matter, so I will respectfully reply.

'Stability' of school system pushed test scores upward, education minister says | CBC News… 1. I get a bit worried when a minister says that test results from early 2016 reflect a plan released in September 2016. It suggests perhaps a shaky grasp of policy, a hyperpartisan bent, or worst of all an inability to grasp the concept of time and the temporal plane. #nbpoli
Jun 5, 2018 27 tweets 7 min read
I've promised a Twitter essay on some big education news in #nbpoli for a while. Here goes.

Those who care about literacy and education policy, it's worth plowing through. I promise. 1. So, the Pan-Canadian Assessment Programme (PCAP) reported earlier this month. That's where provincial governments measure their student performance in reading, math and science.

Report here:…