Dr Karen Ingala Smith Profile picture
Woman. Feminist. Northerner. Terf. @femicidecensus @countdeadwomen. Author of Defending Women’s Spaces.
Jun 1, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
I’m quite happy to address this directly and now. I don’t need to dodge something directed at me or my work or collaborations by deflecting attention on to something else.
The founders of the Femicide Census were myself and Clarrie O’Callaghan in 2013.
When the Femicide Census was launched in 2015, it was managed in partnership between myself and a large charity with a different approach to transgender identity than my own. Clarrie was involved but because of her job at the time, could not be a legal partner in the project.
Regrettably I did not have the power to impose my own beliefs so we (myself and the larger organisation) reached a compromise. TIMs were named but excluded from the analysis so that their circumstances did not distort the data. It wasn’t what I wanted but life is full of compromises and I wasn’t going to lose the opportunity to create the Femicide Census.
For several reasons, including political differences on this issue and others, power imbalance, and other things, I dissolved the partnership with the larger organisation and Clarrie and I launched the Femicide Census as an independent legal entity in 2018. No males have been included since, nor will they be in future.
My own smaller project, Counting Dead Women has never included males.
I have never claimed that TWAW.

Hope this clears it up for anyone who was interested.Image For the record: I have no problem recognising the humanity of people, including males, with transgender identities and acknowledging the loss that their death means to those who loved and mourn them.
Jun 6, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Today's prize for 'do as I say not do as I do' goes to @Oxfam

Oxfam says "Ten harmful beliefs that perpetuate violence against women and girls Oxfam highlights "Ten harmful beliefs that perpetuate violence against women and girls’ as part of their campaign “to challenge and change the harmful social norms that justify abuse, to ones that promote gender [sic] equality and non-violence.” oxfam.org/en/ten-harmful…
Jun 24, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
For the word ‘someone’ substitute ‘a woman’. Image For the word ‘people’ substitute ‘women’. Image
Jun 24, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Very bad day in the global fight for women’s rights.
Women in the USA will still seek to end unwanted pregnancies. However safe abortion will be harder to access and disproportionately so for women with low incomes. This is a real life consequence of an empowered religious right.

I am not in the same movement as those who deny women autonomy over their own bodies. That should never be a right that we ‘set aside’ or deprioritise.
Dec 28, 2021 14 tweets 4 min read
My nominations for 2021 Terf Awards incoming below: 1.Court case: Successful appeal against Re:C so care workers cannot be required to purchase sexual access to women in prostitution for disabled men
2.Best decision by a politician/political party: Diane Abbott affirming stance against prostitution
Dec 2, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Seeing the awful news about the death of 16-year-old Amber Gibson in Hamilton. I can't help but be reminded of the comments of Angela Crawley, Scottish National Party MP for Lanark & Hamilton East in the Women & Equalities Select Committee on reform of the GRA in April this year She, Angela Crawley MP, said "perhaps a trans female has transitioned*, they are also at equally and perhaps greater risk of the same violence."
Greater risk? Of the same violence?
*Not sure what she meant there.
Nov 26, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
On any day, but especially the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, centring women - centring women who have been killed by men - is not transphobic. #IDEVAW A minimum of 348 UK women have been killed by a man or where there is a male suspect since that last known person with a transgender identity was murdered on 11 January 2019.
Nov 25, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
For people saying 126 women killed this year with a male suspect.... thank you for highlighting men's fatal violence against women.
It's already 127.
#IDEVAW #CountDeadWomen I only add women after a man has been charged, or in cases where the suspect has killed himself, where the police (or similar) suggest that he is thought to be responsible.
I don't want to make mistakes, be accused of inflating what is already an atrocity or contempt of court.
Nov 17, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
Obviously one of the main motivations for both @CountDeadWomen and @FemicideCensus is to raise awareness of men's fatal violence against women in the UK. Consequently, I am pleased when either my work @CountDeadWomen or the team's work from @FemicideCensus is used in protests/art (or media or cited in academia).
Nov 16, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Her name was Stella Frew and her life was worth so much more than the 4 and a half years that James Martin was sentenced for killing her.
This is misogyny in action.
dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1… From her daughter “It pains us to think how frightened she must have been.”
“Learning the fact my mum’s bag was taken and later discarded on the road with all her belongings has hurt us all.Knowing it could have been returned or handed in and not dumped like it was worthless.”
Oct 19, 2021 18 tweets 4 min read
So, I’ve seen this floating about for a day or so and I wasn’t going to bother to respond, because it is so ludicrous that it doesn’t even begin to get under my skin.
(And thank you to women who have responded citing some of what some of those named actually do.) Firstly, none of us who spoke were paid to contribute to the #FiLiA2021 conference.
Most of us there at our own expense, except I hope, women on low income, whose expenses will be covered.
FiLiA itself is created by volunteers.
Sep 6, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Find myself blocked by this misogynist @TomPashby standing for Deputy Leader of the the Green Party. Tom said "A cis woman (Women who are born women) who can’t give birth is no less of a woman and you can apply that to people that identify as women."
Tom,I couldn't have children. I'm female.That makes me 100% woman & you cannot apply that to any dude, no matter how he identifies
Jun 16, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
I don’t want to see women berated for their first steps into contested ground but feminism isn’t a spectator sport. If you want in, you put yourself in. If you sit on the board of a national ‘feminist’ NGO, you surely can’t sit it out and wait for the storm to pass. If you’re taking the first steps into battles other feminists have been fighting for years, you don’t assume yours is the nuanced, informed or most valid position.

You remember that no advance in women’s rights has happened without a fight from women.
Jun 15, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Thinking about Daria Pionko, a 21-year-old woman who was murdered in December 2015, 2 1/2 years in to Leeds' failed prostitution experiment.
We can't really say that the managed zone caused her death, a man did that, but prostitution gives murderous men easy access to women. This is a good piece by @sarahditum newstatesman.com/politics/femin…
It's taken Leeds City Council more than 5 years to close down the managed zone since Daria's murder.
It hurts to think how many women have been harmed in Holbeck since then.
Jun 15, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Thank goodness.
And like @bindelj sais, shame on you for taking so long Leeds City Council @LeedsCC_News

Than you to the women of Leeds and West Yorkshire in particular who have campaigned long and hard for this day. I think it's highly disingenuous to claim/imply that a reduction of women in prostitution on the streets is a reflection of the success of the scheme. I think many cities will report the same due to COVID, and that certainly doesn't mean that prostitution isn't happening.
Jun 15, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
The national women’s rights and anti-men’s violence NGOs lost a lot of their feminist principles, drives and credibility when they started appointing dial-a-CEOs: smooth operators with ‘transferable skills’ and a say-the-right-thing-and-win-friends-in-high-places modus operandi, This so-called ‘professionalisation’ hasn’t worked well for women’s rights.
Thank goodness for grass-roots feminist activism.
Jun 8, 2021 19 tweets 4 min read
Truth, lies and Storytelling
Radio Four’s Today programme this morning (8 June 2021) contained such a blatant piece of misinformation imparted by Benjamin Cohen, CEO of Pink News, that I felt compelled to transcribe it kareningalasmith.com/2021/06/08/tru… I overheard a discussion on Radio Four’s Today programme this morning (8 June 2021) that contained such a blatant piece of misinformation imparted by Benjamin Cohen, CEO of Pink News, that I felt compelled to transcribe it.
Mar 11, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
If I were to compile a list of ‘women don’t’ advice based on the femicide census:
- women, don’t have male partners
- women, don’t leave male partners
- women, don’t go on dates with men
- women, don’t talk to men at bus stops
- women, don’t have sons
-women, don’t have grandsons - women, don’t give a glass of water to someone claiming thirst
- women, don’t let the gas-man, or someone claiming to want to check your meter in
- women, don’t take a taxi
- women, don’t help other women in danger
- women, don’t support your daughter who has an abusive partner
Feb 23, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
1) Running refuges on the basis of gender-identity rather than sex, risks making them hostile environments for women experiencing trauma after men's violence.
Trauma informed spaces for women who have been subjected to men's violence must be single sex spaces. 2) There's a paucity of research on rates of violence of males 'who have transitioned' or 'who identify as having transitioned'.
The scant evidence available suggests male transitioners retain male pattern violent offending -there's no research on males who simply self identify.
Feb 3, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
Any woman can be subjected to a man’s or men’s violence. We know that class, race, disability, sexuality, any of the differences between women, differences which are often turned in to inequalities do not provide an impenetrable barrier; though they do present more exposure to or protection from some forms of violence.
Any woman should be able to access specialist support for women who have been subjected to sexual and domestic violence and abuse, including prostitution.
Feb 1, 2021 12 tweets 4 min read
I see those trying to deprive women victim-survivors of sexual and domestic violence and abuse, including prostitution, of their legal right to single-sex services from specialist independent organisations have come out to play again. Firstly - it is perfectly straightforward and contains no contradictions to support universal human rights AND sex based rights and protections - and in doing so to prioritise the well-being of women, particularly those who have been subjected to men's violence.