Associate Director, @IDiplomat. Former Head of Estonian Cyber Security Policy. Foreign policy wonk. Personal opinions.
Apr 27, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
This is my beautiful home town Tartu in Estonia. GPS jamming in the region by Russia has now gotten so bad that Tartu airport has not been able to receive flights for the last two days.
Hybrid warfare against Estonia - a NATO member for 20 years - is getting worse. 1/5
Tartu hosts a small airport from which you can currently only fly to Helsinki. A link that is important for local people, businesses and the country's top university. For the last two nights, flights from Helsinki have not been able to land and have been diverted back. 2/5
Mar 6, 2023 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
Olgu, räägime siis e-valimiste turvalisusest. Tehnoloogiatundja ja endise küberametnikuna tean, et ükski süsteem ei saa olla 100% turvaline, aga sellest hoolimata usaldan ma e-valimisi 100% - miks?
Esiteks, see pole mu esimene rodeo e-valimiste suunaliste rünnakute tõrjumisel. Eelmine suurem kriis oli aastal 2014 kui rahvusvaheline „ekspertide“ grupp „paikapanevad“ haavatavused leidis. Värske MKM ametnikuna kirjutasin siis sellest @estonianworld’is…
Feb 13, 2023 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Russia is not winning in Ukraine.
As we approach the 1-year mark of this barbaric invasion, here are some predictions about how they might want to play it off-battlefield in the next 12 months, based on what we at @IDiplomat have seen in their other theatres of war🧵
1 – Find ways to divide the international community. Russia will exploit individual states’ concerns and will actively search for Western backmarkers. Strong focus on countries like Hungary and Austria, as well as far-right domestic opposition movements (like EKRE in Estonia)
Sep 24, 2022 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
I see the Baltics are again being called all kinds of ugly names for saying that we shouldn’t accept those fleeing mobilisation in Russia. Let me tell you an uncomfortable truth: Putin needs these men to fight Ukrainians – we need them to fight Putin. 🧵1/10
First and foremost, this is not a refugee issue. Estonia has a proud history of giving international protection to Russian dissidents, journalists, and those fleeing persecution. In fact, historically, Russians have made up one of the biggest refugee groups in Estonia. 2/10
Sep 5, 2022 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
There’s a saying in Estonian: when you’re drowning, it’s your responsibility to save yourself. Our European allies are not listening to us (again) and a #visaban was not agreed last week. Now it’s time for us on the border to take regional action. 1/7
We have tried making the moral, ethical, and political arguments to get a #visaban. Many, @minna_alander in particular, have explained in detail what the current situation is like on the border: 2/7
Estonian and Finnish prime ministers calling for an EU-wide #visaban seems to have really rattled Moscow. Our colleagues away from the front line are dragging their feet, aided by a barrage of misguided twitter activism. A bit of context as to why the ban is necessary: 1/12
@kajakallas tweeted that "Visiting #Europe is a privilege, not a human right.” @sannamarin said that it is not right that while Russia is waging an aggressive, brutal war of aggression in Europe, Russians can live a normal life, travel in Europe, be tourists." 2/12
Mar 14, 2022 • 12 tweets • 2 min read
Olles jälginud viimase nädala debatte Eesti sanktsioonipoliitika osas, mõtlesin, et äkki oleks kasu väikesest lõimest teemal, mis on sanktsioonid, mis on nende eesmärk ja miks saavad pihta nö „lihtinimesed“. 1/
Nagu me teame, on sõjalist jõudu kõrvale jättes sanktsioonid (rahanduslikud, majanduslikud, diplomaatilised, jne) ühed konkreetsemad ja karmimad välispoliitilised meetmed. Nende eesmärk on mõjutada sihtriiki mingist tegevusest loobuma, antud juhul Venemaad sõjategevusest. 2/
Feb 1, 2022 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Ravimiameti ja terviseameti liitmine on sotsiaalministeeriumi uue kantsleri esimene suur viga ning seab ohtu ravimiohutuse tagamise Eestis. Lühike lõim:…
Ravimiohutuse ja rahvatervisega tegelevad organisatsioonid hoitakse rahvusvahelise parema praktika järgi lahus. Taani proovis sarnaselt sellele plaanile neid asutusi liita, kuid veast saadi aru ning otsus pöörati (suurte kuludega) tagasi.
Nov 1, 2021 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Eile algas Glasgow's #CoP26 . Minu @IDiplomat'i kolleegid on seal koos Marshalli Saarte delegatsiooniga. Väike 🧵ürituse olulisusest (ja Marshalli Saartest):
Marshalli Saared asuvad poolel teel Austraaliast Hawaiile. 60k elanikku elab umbes 30 kitsa atolli peal. Saarte kõrgeim punkt on vaid 2m kõrgusel. 1,5 kraadine globaalne soojenemine tähendaks poolemeetrist meretõusu, mis on karmide meetmetega talutav. Suurem muutus oleks häving.