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1/38. Today is the eighth day of the #BonnClimateConference (#SB58) and it saw the closing plenary of the Technical Dialogue of the #GST, discussions on the #SantiagoNetwork, the continuation of the #NCQG’s 6th Technical Expert Dialogue and the first stocktaking plenary. 🧵 Image
2/38. Today also saw a focus on #HumanRights with a number of side events and an action drawing attention to the key message that “there can be no #ClimateJustice without #HumanRights”.
3/38. Joining "No #ClimateJustice without #CivicSpace and #HumanRights: zooming in on the @UNFCCC process"* with @ciel_tweets, @amnesty and @350, we heard important messages on the need for safe #CivicSpace under the @UNFCCC so that we can make our #LossAndDamage demands heard!
Read 39 tweets
Last stage before #COP28 is #SB58! For @UFZ_de on site report @RSchwarze
Hefty work load, unprecedented number of mandated events, efficiency needed. Negotiations texts t.b. expected on Wednesday, June, 14th, at 6 p.m.. Ready to comment at the location! #SB58
The number of mandates are „standing“ (from old and very old work programmed such Nairobi, #Adapation) and „new“ ones (arising of the firework of decisions of #COP26 and #COP27 such as funding and finance of #LossAndDamage). Ready to explain from 17 h CET today, just contact me.
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The Grift is Strong with TalkTV & GB News regular & conspiracy nut, Lois Perry, director & sole shareholder of CAR26, & a representative of Laurence Fox's Reclaim UK.

She's tweeted climate change is a “scam” & “there is no climate emergency”. Image
Perry is a former PR who worked with her husband Richard Hill, who has an, er, a 'colourful' background. In 2013 it was revealed that Nigella Lawson was the "victim of vicious smear campaign by former Charles Saatchi publicist Richard Hillgrove".…
And on 3rd March 2017, "convicted tax fraudster & PR professional Richard Hillgrove was declared bankrupt after failing to pay a £24,500 personal tax bill." A previous conviction came after Hillgrove PR failed to pay nearly £90,000 in VAT & PAYE payments between 2011 & 2012. Image
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1/10.📜NEW BREIF: From @CJRFund, highlights findings from their efforts to address #LossAndDamage and provides recommendations to inform the operationalisation of a fit-for-purpose #LossAndDamage Fund based on real-world efforts.

🔗Read it here:… Image
2/10. Aimed at informing the work of the Transitional Committee (TC) of the #LossAndDamage Fund ahead of their first workshop (29-30th April) and second meeting #TC2 (24-27 May) the brief is also supported by @ACTAlliance, @UUSC, @Helvetas and Young Power in Social Action.
3/10. The @CJRFund has supported four #LossAndDamage projects – in Bangladesh 🇧🇩, Malawi 🇲🇼, and across the Pacific 🇫🇯🇰🇮 – though funding pledged by @NicolaSturgeon on behalf of the @scotgov at #COP26 in Glasgow.
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In the past 24hrs there's been excitement about #G7 headlines like this

But we need to talk about it 🧵

Past the headline the communiqué is rife with greenwash & inaction

🤔 These countries are still EXPANDING fossil fuels
⏰ No phaseout dates
🤯 There's a huge loophole
& more Image
🤔 These countries are still approving NEW fossil fuels

You're not phasing something out if you're still expanding it...

Despite the spin, G7 members continue to approve, subsidize & finance new fossil fuel projects.

We need a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.
⏰ No phaseout dates

It's not a plan without a timeline.

We need nations that are
a) historically responsible for emissions &
b) in the best position to fund a transition

to not only end proliferation of fossil fuels, but transition away from coal, oil & gas first & fastest.
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Entre 2021 & 2022, multiplication par 2 des subventions mondiales aux
❎énergies renouvelables ? NON
❎l'économie verte ? NON
❎la rénovation des bâtiments ? NON

NON, ce sont les subventions mondiales aux ENERGIES FOSSILES : 1000 Mds $ pour aggraver le réchauffement climatique
En plus de ces subventions à la consommation des énergies fossiles, l'AIE a recensé plus de 500 Mds $ de dépenses budgétaires pour réduire la facture énergétique des consommateurs en 2022 : l'essentiel, soit 350 Mds$, l'a été en Europe, dont la France avec son bouclier tarifaire.
On rappellera que :
➡️2009 #Pittsburgh : les pays du #G20 s'engagent à mettre fin aux subventions aux énergies fossiles

➡️2021 #COP26 : les Etats s'engagent à "supprimer progressivement [...] les subventions inefficaces aux combustibles fossiles".

Fin de la blague.
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Amongst all that, #COP26 also saw launch of the International Climate Councils Network ( Obvs it’s global action that matters in the end & in many ways climate is ultimately a political economy problem.
No doubt that strong overarching climate laws and effective climate advisers are a key piece of architecture for delivering on the Paris Agreement, just ask @IPCC_CH
Talking with sibling councils and policymakers across the world has been a constant highlight. Particularly enjoyed my 2 months in 2019 working with and learning from the fab and lovely team @ClimateCommNZ 🇳🇿 helping get the NZ NZ framework going
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Recently had my 798th and final week at @theCCCuk. We didn’t get everything right, but I’m sure we helped the UK’s climate journey over those 15 years.

🦣🧵 on the CCC and UK decarbonisation, a story in 3 parts: The Start, The Struggle, and Net Zero
CCC is UK’s independent statutory climate adviser (1st of its kind in world)
Formal role to advise on emissions targets, adaptation plans, and progress v both
Informally, to help the politics and guide the narrative. Most think we did a decent job (quotes GRI_LSE)
A long time ago, UK had a 2050 emissions target of -60% that only covered CO2. Wise folk @friends_earth (@bryworthington) made Big Ask for a climate bill. @lordstern1 & team wrote definitive review showing action better than inaction. @David_Cameron hugged a husky
Read 25 tweets
C'est officiel : la #COP28 sur le climat de #Dubai fin 2023 sera présidée par le PDG d'une compagnie pétrolière, Sultan Al Jaber, également ministre des Emirats Arabes Unis

Ce n'est pas une blague

Plutôt qu'être désabusé, faisons-en un électrochoc international
Explications ⤵️ Image
Alors, oui, nous avons envie d'hurler sur le mode "sont-ils devenus fous ?" et de se taper la tête contre les murs. Jusqu'à générer une contagion autour de nous, rejoignant celles et ceux qui répètent à l'envie que les "COP ne servent à rien", et qu'il ne faut rien en attendre.
Mais je vous le dis gentiment : si vous attendiez que les COP mettent fin aux énergies fossiles, c'est que vous n'avez pas bien compris le film.

Les COPs ne sont pas armées pour mettre fin aux énergies fossiles.
Nous l'avons expliqué plusieurs fois ⤵️…
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1/30.📢NEW BRIEF: “What happened at #COP27 on #LossAndDamage and what comes next?” which details #COP27’s outcomes on issues related to #LossAndDamage and ways forward as we look to #SB58 and #COP28.

Full brief here:…

See some key takeaways below🔽 Image
2/30. Ahead of #COP27 the key issues that were expected to be discussed included:

1⃣Establishing a #LossAndDamage finance facility (or fund);

2⃣The operationalisation of #SantiagoNetwork for #LossAndDamage;
3⃣The integration of #LossAndDamage into the New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) on #ClimateFinance;

4⃣The inclusion of #LossAndDamage in discussions under the #GlobalStocktake of the #ParisAgreement;
Read 30 tweets
What happened with human rights at #COP27?

Some good developments and some bad ones, all under the looming presence of Egypt's crackdown on free speech and expression.

Before & during #COP27, we were concerned about the lack of access to these highly important negotiations.

This inaccessibility showed up as:
📣 High costs of travel and lodging
📣 Lack of access to meeting rooms
📣 The presence of plain-clothed security documenting activity Image
Restrictions on civic space undermined the overall efficacy of this year’s negotiations.

While we got important wins, like a #LossandDamage facility, we also saw major gaps for human rights protections in the #GlobalStocktake and other key decisions.
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A #Cop27 no Egito teve poucos avanços e alguns retrocessos para o clima. Abaixo vai um sumário das principais decisões /1
Nas conferências do clima ocorrem as negociações por consenso das regras de implementação da convenção de 92 e decisões posteriores, com destaque ao Acordo de Paris de 2015. Mas também são locais de anúncios de metas voluntárias dos países. /2
Graças a liderança do 🇬🇧, na #cop26 em Glasgow tivemos uma promessa para zerar desmatamento até 2030 (dessa vez com 🇧🇷 tb), reduzir em 30% emissões de metano, e o bilateral 🇨🇳+🇺🇸 para limpar cadeias do desmatamento e transição energética. /3
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Hoy cerró la #COP27 con una importante declaración para pagar los daños causados ​​por el cambio climático. Pero al cierre, @antonioguterres reprochó que no se haya abordado la reducción drástica de emisiones.

Aquí 10 puntos para entender los avances y pendientes de esta COP.
1. El punto más importante de esta COP fue la discusión sobre la necesidad de un nuevo fondo de financiamiento para ayudar a países menos desarrollados por los impactos del cambio climático. Esto se conoce como "pérdidas y daños" en el marco de las conversaciones de la @ONU_es.
2. Los países más desarrollados se han resistido por años a esta discusión sobre compensar los daños del cambio climático, temiendo que un acuerdo así, los obligue a pagar por éstos, dado que han sido históricamente los mayores emisores de GEI.

El gráfico es elocuente.
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This #COP27 caused deep frustrations, but it wasn’t for nothing. It achieved a significant breakthrough for the most vulnerable countries.

COP27 was always the "Loss & Damage COP" and parties dug deep to deliver.
The Loss & Damage Fund was a dream at #COP26 last year.

Now it is enshrined & on track to start running in 2023.

A lot of work to go on the detail, but the principle is in place & that is a significant mindset shift as climate impacts start to bite.
Onto #COP28. We know the challenge:

The fossil lobby's fingerprints are everywhere in the agreement as they battle the inescapable phase-out of their billion $ subsidies.

This term, "phase out", failed to make the final text.

We all have a target for next year.
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La décision finale de la COP27 ("Sharm el-Sheikh Implementation Plan") est en ligne, ainsi que les autres décisions.
A consulter ici, rubrique "latest documents" :
Premier commentaire d'une décision sans nouveauté ou recul majeur par rapport à #COP26
1. Le texte constitue un point d'étape sur le consensus possible entre Etats, sans nouvelle décision et, toujours, sans remise en cause véritable de la cause première du changement climatique : la consommation humaine d'énergie fossiles.
Mais l'objectif est maintenu intact ⤵️
2. Point positif : la confirmation du lien entre climat et biodiversité. Le surplace du processus de négociation climat va peut être enfin attirer l'attention sur le processus de négociation biodiversité et la prochaine COP15 de Montréal qui s'annonce encore plus cruciale.
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A small video tribute to the Scottish Govt. which bravely kicked off the #LossAndDamage implementation pathway last year at #cop26 in Glasgow by establishing a loss and damage fund unilaterally and putting 5 million pounds in it. This was dropped however on the final day.
The Loss & Damage Text was signed off about an hour and a half ago in a meeting convened by the Presidency with only final modifications from the penultimate text.

The Loss and Damage Fund will be established and become tentatively operational at #cop28 in Dubai.
This information is as confirmed from s sources in the meeting. Those present in the meeting included US, EU, UK, G77 an African Minister, Switzerland and others. This has effectively removed the most significant hurdle from #Cop27 concluding successfully later today.
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1/28. A serious issue has been bubbling under the surface at #COP27 and it's reaching boiling point as we near the final plenary: the importance of the Convention(@UNFCCC) and its ongoing role in @UN #ClimateChange negotiations. Here is why this is important for #LossAndDamage.🧵
2/28. In the informal stocktaking plenary last night, we heard many interventions from developing country Parties highlighting their concerns regarding efforts by developed country Parties to remove references to the principles of the Convention across all thematic areas.
3/28. Under the Convention, Parties agree to protect the climate system “on the basis of equity and in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities (CBDR-RC).” These are important agreed principles that must be preserved.
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Video thread of a standup yesterday afternoon in the Cairo Press Conference Room with Eamon Ryan, the European Union's lead negotiator in 'loss and damage. 1/5
Loss & Damages has emerged as the most contentious of five areas in the negotiations in which the parties are yet to finalise agreed texts.
[Quoted thread ... Earlier thread covering part of the stocktaking session discussion of #LossAndDamage last night. ]
Minister Ryan's Standup was held immediately prior to an EU Press Conference in the afternoon, 6 hours before the stocktaking session. 2/5
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How does the language we've seen so far from #COP27 compare with what came out of Glasgow #COP26?

1.5C and climate pledges

COP26: "requests to revisit + strengthen as necessary to align w/ Paris temp target by end 2022"

COP27: "repeats request to align w/ 1.5C" [no deadline]
Getting to 1.5C

COP26: 1.5C "requires" -45% by 2030 & net-zero midcentury

#COP27: "notes" least-cost 1.5C is -45% by 2030

COP26 "Calls upon…inc accelerating efforts towards the phase down of unabated coal power"

#COP27 "encourages the continued efforts to accelerate measures towards…"
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Défaitisme ou réalisme ? A la #COP27, les pays arabes et émergents plaident pour l'abandon de l'objectif de 1,5°C. C'est aussi le cas des @ScientistRebel1. D'où vient cet objectif et pourquoi est-il contesté ? Une explication politique. 1/
La Convention-cadre des Nations unies sur le Changement climatique, signée en 1992, définissait un objectif très vague : « un niveau qui éviterait toute interférence dangereuse avec le climat ». Il a fallu… 17 ans pour préciser ce qu’était une ‘interférence dangereuse’. 2/..
En 2009, à la COP15 de Copenhague, on s'accorde sur l'objectif d'une hausse de 2°C maximum d'ici 2100. C'est un compromis politique. Les petits Etats insulaires réclament qu'on prenne 1,5°C comme objectif. En vain. C'est déjà trop tard. 3/..
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1/18.📜NEW BLOG: We have seen quite a few pledges that have been framed as “finance for #LossAndDamage”. But are they really? This blog provides an overview of all the pledges thus far at #COP27 in chronological order.

🔗Read it here:… Image
2/18. On the 20th of September, #Denmark🇩🇰 pledged €13m for #LossAndDamage, a package which includes finance for the #GlobalShield Against Climate Risk, support for CSOs to do projects on the ground, and some other money that is yet to be allocated for a specific use.
3/18. Crucially, all of this money is new and on top of #Denmark’s 🇩🇰 0.7% commitment to ODA, therefore not a diversion of cash from other vital #ClimateFinance projects.
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1/12. 📜It’s week two of #COP27 and things are heating up! We’d like to take this opportunity to introduce some new language on #LossAndDamage finance that we are going to start using to support developing countries and would encourage others to do the same. Image
2/12.We've been following the discussions on “matters relating to funding arrangements responding to #LossAndDamage associated with the adverse impacts of #ClimateChange, including a focus on addressing #LossAndDamage” which we are calling funding arrangements for #LossAndDamage.
3/12. At #COP26 in #Glasgow, the G77 and China called for the establishment of the Glasgow #LossAndDamage Finance Facility. In support of this demand, civil society has been calling for a #LossAndDamageFinance facility ever since.

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Buddhist thread for the day:
When my libel case really kicked off in Nov 2019, I took myself up to my Buddhist centre and chanted for 4 hours straight to find a way through. I had spent the summer in a state of high anxiety as I knew failure would bankrupt me. 1/
2/ While I was chanting I suddenly remembered this Gosho ("writing worthy of respect") from Nichiren Daishonin… A warning against begrudging one's fief.  Your letter dated
3/ Shijo Kingo, the addressee of the Gosho, was a Shogun warrior who had been told by his Lord that if he remained a disciple of Nichiren he would lose his lands. Nichiren warned him that his life would be in danger, and losing his lands was a comparatively small price to pay.
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thread: where we are & some climate-pandemic predictions. - Voting this for most cursed paper of the year 2021. If you work in policy analysis or delivery (climate/energy/natsec, really any field) but don't know to read this, maybe consider taking time off to get up to speed? 👍 ImageImage
It's a lot, but again, there are solutions we could easily implement, if we learn and organize better. Ty all. - dm if you have questions/ideas what to do, I'm listening. 🥰
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