Dr. Katherine Haenschen Profile picture
Asst Prof @Northeastern. Digital media & politics. Board @Bline4Everyone. TMM Pct 17. Proud NJ native. Fan of #UConn, meatballs, field experiments.
Nov 7, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
The answer here is pretty simple: There was a substantial undervote for GOP senate candidates relative to Trump in MI/PA/WI, but not for Harris. Chart in next tweet. I will add AZ/NV as they count more... 1/ Ok this is *extremely* basic & based on D-R votes, not actual undervote in each race (will need state returns from SOS for that). These are NYT #s.

In MI/PA/WI, GOP senate got 3-4% fewer raw votes than Trump. Dem senate had lower drop-off; Baldwin got more votes than Harris. 2/ Image
Oct 3, 2021 6 tweets 4 min read
#APSA2021 isn't over yet! There are 39 virtual panels starting... right.... now! Our session on racial justice is sponsored by @poli_com and @APSA_REP. #polcomm First up is @SamGubitz making his final APSA presentation with an argument that incivility plays a crucial role in unequal democracies, providing marginalized groups with a way to disrupt the status quo.