Dr. Kathryn Brito, PT, DPT Profile picture
Dr of Physical Therapy |#AcuteCarePT #ICURehab | Cubs & Blackhawks Fanatic | Wine & Tequila Enthusiast | Tweets do not reflect views of my employer #medtwitter
Dec 13, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
@sunsopeningband want to credit you for bringing #MECFS to my attention a few weeks back. I did a deep dive in articles and filed it away in my brain. It paid off yesterday when I brought a patient post COVID to tears I told her what I thought it was going on with her based on her complaints. She couldn’t even do the dishes or her laundry without having to lay in bed for the rest the week. She had a job that required a lot of mental strain and that would give her extreme brain fog & headaches