Keri Leigh Merritt Profile picture
Writer. Historian (PhD). Labor & Inequality. Books: #AfterLife #MasterlessMen. NEW: Lillian Smith bio. Film @thecivilwardoc1. IG @kerileighmerritt
6 subscribers
Sep 30, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Hey Atlanta if you haven’t been outside yet there’s chlorine smoke all in the air this morning. It’s literally visible - it’s NOT fog.

Turn off your AC, close windows and doors, and don’t go outside if possible.😔 It’s hard to show the smoke bc it’s a really sunny day but you can see it between the foreground and background trees. Sure as hell not fog. Image
Jan 16, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
#Thread on #MLKDay2023 #MLK & The Poor People's Campaign:

The memory of King as an impassioned economic justice-warrior is continually threatened today by the oligarchs who remain in power. They instead take great pains to erase that part of King’s life from his legacy. They attempt to silence his cries for a more monetarily equitable society. They deliberately obscure the final few years of his life. This sanitized, “white-washed” version of King purges the intense radicalism of the strike-leading preacher.